Chapter 5

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Puck's 'Beginning Of The Year' parties are one of the biggest, most hypiest parties in, well the beginning of the year. This is basically Puck's way of reigning in the new school year. Every year, the first one or two weeks after school starts, Puck's mom always goes out of town for work, so that's when it's party time. WOOOO!

Equipped with his handy, dandy fake ID, Puck's party has more liquor than a college party. That would probably explain why so many college people came to a high school party. Go figure. Also equipped with the latest and hypiest music from both Santana and Quinn's itunes, this is the most poppenest(A/N: I made up the word. So what.) party this year ever. Well at least until new years, then we're talking.

Jocks, cheerios, practically everybody from McKinley is at this party, including the losers. People who live around Puck's house are at this party. Who wouldn't be. This party is live. Puck throws the coolest parties ever.

"Yo this party is wild, man." Quinn says, on her second cup.

"I know, right." Puck slurred with pride.

"Pucky boy, you have really out did yourself this year. Bravo man." Santana said, on her third.

"Woo... so you ladies thinking of shagging any ladies tonight?" Puck asked, eyeing a few girls who were looking their way. Mainly looking at Quinn and Santana, but he didn't care.

"I don't know"

"Not really"

"Ah come on guys, this party is full of fresh tail. Every girl is getting drunk, come on take your pick"

"I'm really not in the mood." Santana replied

"Quinn?" he asks

"We'll see." she smirks.

"Fine" Puck slurred. "Hey Santana, you wanna hear what I heard?" Puck said, walking closer to Santana, almost tripping over his own feet.

"What?" Santana asked

"I heard that when Brittany gets really drunk, she...let's just say you can get a good glimpse of her dance moves outside of glee."

Both Quinn and Santana looked at him confused.

"Puck, what the hell is that suppose to mean?" Quinn asked

"She strips, dumbass. When she gets drunk she strips. Just like Santana becomes a weeping mess." Puck says

"I do not." Santana whines like she about to cry.


"Shut up." Santana wipes away some tears that might have fallen.

"And if my calculations are corrected, Brittany should be on her forth cup, and very very tipsy." Puck wiggled his eyebrows.

"Whatever, that's just a rum-"Santana was cut off by noise made by a bunch a guys near Puck's living room.

"What was that?" Quinn asked. Puck shrugged his shoulders.

The commotion was a bunch a guys standing around a table, and a very, very tipsy Brittany, who was dressed in a very, very short skirt black, black hooker boots, and the button up shirt she was wearing was unbuttoned, showing off her pink with black dots bra, stripping on top of the table.

"God in heaven..." was Santana's reaction as she was stuck in a daze looking at a half naked Brittany. Her jaw practically torn a hole in the floor. "Umm...I'll be right back." Santana told them before walking over to Brittany.

Brittany saw her coming, and her face lit up in the biggest smile. "San!..." Brittany jumped of the table and ran to Santana, ignoring the 'awws' and 'boos' responses she got from the guys.

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