Chapter 56

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PART 1: Rachel's Birthday

"Okay, so you guys remember the plan right?" Quinn again asks the group in front of her.

It was the day of Rachel's birthday and Quinn was on over drive. She was nervous and she wanted everything to be perfect for her. She was taking Rachel to see one of her favorite plays that just so happen to be showing two towns over, grab a snack and then head back to the house where the really party would be.

"Yes Lucy for the millionth time we got it." JJ says in mock annoyance.

"Why thank you, Jennifer." Quinn glares at her older sister who glares back.

"They really hate their names don't they?" Russell whispers to the others while shaking his head at his children. "Okay you two, simmer down. Yes Quinn we remember and have everything. Just calm down kiddo. Everything is going to be okay." Russell tries to sooth his youngest.

"Yea, just take a breather okay. Rachel is going to love what you have planned." Hiram reassures the blonde.

Quinn does as told and takes a breather and then nods. "Right...yea you're right. Sorry, I'm just a little..."

"Nervous" Everyone says for her. Quinn chuckles

"Yea. A little nervous." She says, her voice shaking a little.

"Pssh a little" Santana scoffs earning a nudge in the sides from her girlfriend and JJ.

"Look Q we got this. Just go take Jew babe out, have a good time and we'll handle everything here." Puck says.

"Okay...right...thanks guys." Quinn says trying to calm down.

10 minutes later, Brittany and Kurt come running down looking excited and proud.

"Is she ready?" Quinn asks nervously. Brittany nods her head up and down and looks up. Everyone follows her movements and gasps. Quinn's breath hitch at what she saw.

On the top of the steps stood Rachel in a beautiful black dress that stopped at her knees and a pair of black high heels, that did wonders in showing off her long legs, and her hair was in all curls with a touch of highlight at the ends and lightly toned heavy make up.

"Wow" Quinn whispers.

Rachel comes down the stairs and stands in front of everyone.

"Aww Rachel. You look beautiful. Happy birthday baby." Shelby gushes hugging her daughter.

"Thanks mom." Rachel hugs her mother back.

"You look so beautiful Rach." Hiram says and both he and Leroy hug her. Everyone else came up to say happy birthday to her too. Santana slipped in a little "Happy Birthday Midget" which earned her another slap in the arm from her girlfriend.

After everyone finished wishing Rachel a happy birthday, they all turned to Quinn who had yet to say anything and seemed to be frozen in her place.

"Quinn" Rachel calls out, slowly approaching her girlfriend. Oh she still gets so giddy every time she calls her that.

"Huh?" Quinn blinks a few times before focusing on Rachel. "Y-you're really...p-pretty." Quinn stubbles out. While Puck and JJ palm faced, Santana stood by nodding her head saying "I feel you dawg." Rachel giggles. Quinn shakes her head and straightens up. "I-I Beautiful, gorgeous...those words don't come close to how you look Rach." Quinn says sincerely.

"Thank you Quinn." Rachel blushes while everyone around them went "aww"

Of course Santana and Puck had to ruin the moment by saying "Get some Q!" earning Santana a smack in the arm by Brittany and Puck by both Shelby and JJ.

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