Chapter 55

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It was Tuesday morning, the last Tuesday before winter break. Quinn and Rachel were sitting in the living room that morning watching tv as they waited for JJ, Emily and Henry to show up before they were off to school. Well at least they were watching tv until they were kind of each others lips.

Things between the two had change dramatically for the better. After their first date, everything just seemed to fall in place. At school things were pretty much the same, Quinn would walk Rachel to and from her classes, hold her hand, kiss her on the cheek or lips before running to her own class.

There were some mixed reaction from the people at school. Some were shocked, some seemed to know it was bonded to happen (glee club), and some were jealous, Finn and every other girk. Mainly all of them were jealous of Rachel being the one to get Quinn, and Finn of course for obvious reasons. All in all, Quinn and Rachel didn't have any trouble getting into their new relationship. Especially with Puck, Santana and Brittany in their corner.

It had been a month since Quinn finally asked Rachel to be her girlfriend.


Rachel was at her locker getting her books out. As she got her books, she started thinking and a smile spread on her face.

Two weeks have passed since she and Quinn went out on their date. Rachel still couldn't believe how thoughtful and romantic Quinn was. Quinn was just so nice, and caring, and treated Rachel like she was a princess. She makes her more happy that she even thought possible. Rachel couldn't remember the last time she had been this happy in her relationship.

As Rachel looked through her locker, she saw a folded up piece of paper fall out. She bends down to pick it up. A huge smile spreads on her face as she reads the note. It was from Quinn of course. Did I mention how romantic she is?

Hey beautiful,

I know I just saw you like ten minutes ago, but I missed you. Does that make me sound corny or cheesy? Still not so used to this. Am I rambling now? Oh crap that is so not cool. Um okay, yea so I missed and you look beautiful today. I'm not sure if I told you yet. And I love your smile. Have I ever told you that? Okay I better stop Puck and San are making kissy faces and whipped noises at me. *whispers* I think they're on to me. Okay see you later.

Bye Babe. :D

Her heart swelled as she read on. Quinn was really sweet and funny. She doesn't know what she did to deserve her.

Rachel read the note again before putting it back in her locker and goes off to class. Still smiling.

The rest of the day, Rachel had been receiving note after note from Quinn with little cute messages. One actually had her laugh out loud in one of her classes. Though the notes were cute and nice, Rachel kind of wondered what Quinn had planned. She had been acting pretty strange that morning.

It was glee time and everybody was gathered in the choir room. Well not everybody. Quinn, Puck, Santana and surprising Brittany and Mike and unsurprisingly Mr. Shue weren't there. Come to think of it, her best friend had been acting weird also. Rachel was really confused now.

Mr. Shue finally comes into the room and is about to start on his lesson when he notices his students missing.

"Uh where are Quinn, Puck, Santana, Brittany and Mike?" Mr. Shue asks looking mainly at Rachel.

"I'm not sure Mr. Shue." Rachel says.

"Mike said he was helping Quinn with something, but didn't say what." Tina replies.

"Oh don't worry, they'll be here." Sam says from the back. Everyone turns to look back at him and Blaine who both seem to have smirks on their faces. They knew something.

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