Chapter 8

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The Monday after that wild wild weekend, Rachel thought school might be a little weird. Especially after everything that happened with Quinn. But surprisingly things seemed to be the same as every other day, well at least that's how Rachel felt.

Nothing seemed different. Everything went on like it usually does. Including the occasional slushie facials.

Rachel was by her locker when it happened. She was about to make her way to class when she was met with a shower of ice cold sticky liquid to the face.

"Haha...Color looks good on you Berry." the jocks laughed as they walked by Rachel.

Brittany ran up to Rachel when she saw what happened.

"Oh my god, Rach are you okay?" Brittany asked concerned. Rachel looked up at her. "Right. Sorry. Stupid question." Brittany turned to her locker and got her slushie kit. "Come on lets get up cleaned up." Brittany grabbed Rachel's hand and guided her to the restroom.

On the way to the restroom, Brittany and Rachel ran into Puck, Quinn, and Santana.

"Damn, what happened to you short stack?" Santana asked

"Seriously S?" Quinn rolled her eyes.


"Short stack, really?"

"What? It's a term of endearment." Santana explained.

"Yeah right."

"Some jocks slushied Rachel at her locker." Brittany said, ignoring Quinn and Santana bickering.

"Did you see who it was?" Puck asked.

"No, but I think it might've been Azimio." Brittany said

"Where's Finn?" Quinn asked. She knew it sounded weird coming from her, but Rachel just got slushied by one of his teammates and he was no where to be found.

"I don't know. I thought I saw him hide around the corner when Rachel was hit, but I'm not so sure."

"Figures." Quinn mumbles

"Look I'd like to catch up with you guys, but I have to help Rachel before the bell sings." Brittany says, walking pass the three friends.

Quinn ran up to Brittany and Rachel, with Santana and Puck behind her.

"Hey Britt." Quinn called out. Brittany stop in her place "Why don't I help Rachel and you go to class." Quinn suggested. Brittany just looked at her before turning her attention to Rachel, not sure if that would be best. "I mean, the bell's gonna ring in like a minute and it takes about two minutes to get to the restroom, on top of that it's no telling how long it's gonna take to clean the slushie off. Your class is way down the hall opposite direction of the restroom. Plus, Rachel and I have the same class next."

Brittany over what Quinn said. She even looked at Rachel to see what she thought of it.

"She's right Britt. Your class is way down the hall, and I don't want you to be late on my account." Rachel told her.

"Are you sure?"

"Sure Britt, it's okay." Rachel reassured Brittany. "You just get to class early." she said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I got her. I'll make sure she gets there on time." Santana said sending Brittany a smile and a wink. Brittany responded with her own shy smile.

"Oh god." Quinn and Puck rolled their eyes at their friend's more than obvious crush on the taller blonde.

"Okay, well now that that's settled. Puck, S, Britt get class. Bell's about to ring. I'm gonna help Rachel get this sticky shit off her, which I'm sure should be burning her eyes by now." Quinn said.

"Quinn is the language really necessary? Also I am fully capable of helping my- ow." Rachel said as her eyes began to burn.

"See told ya. Now enough you, off to the restroom. See you guys later." Quinn before ushering Rachel to the restroom.

When they got to the restroom, Quinn directed Rachel to a chair that was near the sink, so she could wash the sticky gunk out of her hair.

"So..." Quinn said trying to start a conversation. " are things with you and Finn?"

"Huh?" Rachel asked startled by the question.

"Well at the party you said that you guys had a fight or something. I just wanted to know if things are good with you guys." Quinn explains

"Um...yeah...he apologized to me on Saturday. We're good." Rachel told her.

"Did you tell him?"

"Tell him what, Quinn?" Rachel sighs

"About what happened...with us. At the party." Quinn said

" didn't" Rachel said


"Quinn can we just get this over with. We have class."

"Right, sorry."

After Quinn finished helping Rachel with her hair, she handed Rachel her clothes. Rachel went in to one of the stalls to change her clothes. Fifteen minutes later, Rachel walked out of the stall newly dressed and fresh.

"You ready?" Quinn asked leaning against the sink.

"Yeah, let's go." Rachel said

"Okay" Quinn said leading the way to the door.

Before they made it to the door, Rachel turned to Quinn.

"Ah... thank you, Quinn" Rachel said with her head down.

"No problem"

Rachel gave a slight nod before she walked to the door. Before she could make it to the door, Quinn grabbed her arm to pull her back.

"Um...Look Rachel I know you don't want to talk about last week between us, and I accept that. I just want to know if things are cool. Between us I mean." Quinn said

Sighing, Rachel looked up at Quinn. "I'm sorry Quinn. Well I'll admit that I was a little freaked out by the whole thing that happened between us, I shouldn't have been avoiding it or you for that matter. I've thought about it and we were both very heavily intoxicated. It could have happened to anyone. I do admit that there are some things that we need to talk about, but until then, yes we are okay." Rachel ended with a smile.

"Cool. That's cool, and look we don't even have to tell anyone." Quinn said. "We could even forget it if we want to. And we don't have to talk about it either. We both agree that it was an accident. We were drunk. It's never gonna happen again, right."


"Shake on it." Quinn held out her hand. Rachel giggled but still took her hand and they shook on it. "Cool now that we've got that cleared up let's get to class before Ms. Bennett has a nervous break down when she sees that she's missing two students." said Quinn

"Wait those were actual break downs. I thought she was just mad over her husband leaving her?" Rachel

"Nope she gets paranoid when things are out of place. It's kind of funny actually. Last year Santana and I would come in her class before she would and rearrange her pencils and paper, then we would come into class late. The woman looked like she was about to pass out once we walked into class." Quinn laughed.

"That's awful." Rachel said

"Yeah, but it was funny. God, I swear that woman is worst than Ms. Pillsbury."

"You guys are horrible." Rachel said poking Quinn in the side.

"Yeah, but we're still adorable." Quinn smirked. Rachel rolled her eyes with a smile. "Now to class." Quinn held the door open for Rachel.

"Such a gentlewoman." Rachel smirked.

"Ah I try. But don't tell anyone. It'll ruin my badass rep." Quinn joked.

"I don't know if I can keep a secret this juicy." Rachel joked back.

Quinn laughed and playfully shoved Rachel, and they walked to class together not knowing what lies ahead of them.

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