Chapter 44

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To say that this passed year has been without a doubt eventful, would be a total understatement. Let me tell you this year has been one for the books. It was pretty...whoa. But whoa in like a good way. Well at least for most of it.

Oh hey, the name's Quinn. I go to McKinley High. I'm captain of my basketball team, and...oh yea I'm a girl with a penis. We got all that. Good, now on to talking about this year.

First I got a girl pregnant, but no, not just any girl. This girl was my arch-nemesis, Finn Hudson's, girlfriend. Yea, that didn't go off to well. Now I didn't intentionally get her pregnant or have sex with her just to piss the dude off, shit just happened that way.

It was at a friend's house party. Best friend actually, mine. Noah Puckerman, Puck for short. He's known for throwing some pretty wild and awesome parties, so this one wasn't any different. It started off normal, me just standing around watching a bunch of drunk teenagers practically humping on the dance floor, couple of girls coming up to me asking for a dance while at the same time slipping in how we could just go somewhere "private" to talk. See normal.

Now I'm known from my way with the ladies. I'm bit of a player or a flirt, really more of a flirt though. I don't really have sex with any of the girls that come up to me. A little making out, maybe a hand job or a bj, depends on how drunk I am, but never full on sex. I'm not that kind of girl.

I've only ever had sex once in my life and that was with my other bestie, Santana Lopez. Sure it felt good, awesome actually, but Santana was my best friend, practically sister. We grew up together, it was a little afterwards you know, so we just did that and went on with our lives. Little weird though that for a while the school thought we were fooling around. We just ignored them though.

Now this party, this party wasn't like any other party. By a certain point of time at these parties I would have at least danced with a few of those girls that came up to me, but I danced with none. None. I don't know, I felt like I was on a mission or something. Like I was waiting on something...or maybe someone to show up. I thought I got that when that cute red head cheerio Cameron walked up to me...wait no that's not her name. Something that starts with a S. Yea S is right. Hmm Sarah. No Stacy. No, no...come on Quinn think. Right Stephanie. That's her name.

Right, sorry Stephanie walks up to me, and she's hot like seriously, and I thought maybe you know yea we could go have that dance, then maybe go off have a little fun. Would sex be involved...maybe I don't know. But I thought maybe she was the something/someone I was waiting on. Then I heard a familiar girl's voice. It was Rachel Berry's, and she sounded drunk.

Oh recap sorry. Rachel Berry is sort of known around school as like the loser or the slushie target and geek. I never got why though. Sure she talks a lot and can sometimes seem a little narsistic, but she's not, she's just really determined. I mean she's smart, pretty, cute, talented, beautiful. Girl's a total package. And god her voice...holy crap. Her voice would make angels cry of jealously. She's like crazy talented.

She's in this group, glee club. Calls themselves New Directions. Yea me, Puck and Santana joined earlier this year, cause they needed the numbers and asked us. It's actually a pretty cool club with singing and dancing. Just a place a bunch of us kids can come together to just be ourselves, not what the school cliques say who we are, but just us and do something we all love. It was also a great place for the three of us to bring back our hidden skills. We all used to take a few classes in guitar, piano, dancing, all that kind of stuff, so it's pretty cool that we get to bring that back.

It may not seem like it in the hallways, but these kids are pretty freaking talented.

Oh guess what Finn, who is Rachel's boyfriend and is also in the club, wasn't to happy about that. Shocker right I know. Rachel set him straight though. Both she and Finn are the lead singers. Sure I'll admit, Finn's got a pretty decent voice, can't dance to save his life though, but he is a pretty good singer. Do I think he's leading man material though...hmm nah uh, not even close, but whatevs. He's okay.

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