Chapter 30

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Over the next few hours, the two girls sat on Rachel's bed talking, laughing and learning as much as they could about each other. Some on the things were surprising, like when Rachel told Quinn she won her dance trophy at 8 months, and some not so surprising. 'Jeez what couldn't this girl do.' Quinn thought. Rachel did learn that Quinn wasn't born in Ohio. Quinn was actually born in a small town in Pennsylvania, and her family didn't move to Lima till Quinn was 3 years old and immediately after Quinn met Puck and Santana. She also learned that the first time Quinn sang in front of an audience, she rapped the whole song "How I beat Shap" by Aaron Carter when she was 8 years old. Rachel of course begged Quinn to do it, but Quinn refused, but not without Rachel making her promise to sing it in Glee, Quinn of course accepted.

She also learned a little about Quinn's sister. Example, she used to play soccer in high school and a little in college. She worked for the F.B.I, and if Rachel ever wanted to see what she looked like, all she had to do was look at the news. She was always up there doing press conferences and stuff. Rachel also learned about Quinn's little nephew, and how he was a spit image of his mom, and the best (only) nephew Quinn had ever had.

Something else Rachel learned about Quinn...

"Wait, you have how many tattoos?" Rachel asks pretty shocked at what she had just been told.

Quinn chuckles, she sort of expected this reaction from Rachel she told her this piece of news.

"Four. I have one on my back right shoulder, angel wings. Me, S, and Puck got two on our wrist..." Quinn showed Rachel the Chinese symbol tattoos on her wrist. " stands for passion and the other love. And last..." Quinn takes her shirt off, showing Rachel the large tattoo. Rachel blushed a little when Quinn takes off her shirt, imagines from that night kind of going through her head, but when she saw that Quinn was wearing a wife beater, the blush cleared up, but only a little. Rachel took a closer look and saw the tattoo of a doggy chained necklace that went around Quinn's neck. It looked so clean and precise that if Rachel didn't know any better she would have thought is was an actual necklace. Looking closer, Rachel saw what looked to be writing inside of the tags.

"What's it say?" Rachel asks looking closely at the tattoo.

"It's my mom's name, birthday and when...when she died." Quinn tells her. Rachel looks up to Quinn with sympathy in her eyes.

"That's very beautiful Quinn." Rachel says softly with a small smile. Quinn smiles a little back. "Even though I do not permit permanently inking the human body, because I believe that the body is a temple, that's very beautiful and thoughtful." Rachel says.


"I don't get it though. How did I not see those when know."

Quinn chuckles. "Probably because you were to focused on getting me out of my clothes than what I had on my skin." Quinn smirks making Rachel blushes really hard. After that the girls went back to talking about anything and everything.

It was getting late, but neither girl noticed. They were to busy enjoying each others company.


"Yeah, Rach?' Quinn answered laying across Rachel's bed.

"What's the bag for?" Rachel asks. Quinn looked confused for a moment. "When you came here, you had a bag with you." Rachel clarified

Quinn caught what Rachel was asking.

"Oh right, I forgot." Quinn got off the bed and went to get the backpack up. When she picked it up, she passed it to Rachel. "Here"

It was Rachel turn to look confused.

"What is it?" Rachel asked taking the bag.

"Open it." Quinn said. Rachel opened the bag and looked up at Quinn shocked. "It's some of my old baby clothes. I have more, but I didn't want to bring all of it incase it freaked you out."

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