Chapter 31

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Few weeks have passed since Rachel and Quinn's little heart to heart, and Quinn meeting Rachel's parents; and so far things were going...pretty well.

After dinner with the Berrys and Brittany, Quinn has been getting along quite well with the Berry men. Leroy especially. He even joined her, Puck and Santana in basketball. He made a really good partner, and together he and Quinn mopped the concrete ground with Puck and Santana.

Quinn and Rachel were also been getting along fairly well. Quinn was always there to help Rachel out when she needed it. She would pull her hair back while she was sick. She would even carry Rachel's backpack when she started to feel the pains and aches of the pregnancy.

She had also started to accompany Rachel to her doctor's appointments. When Quinn first went, she was so nervous. Especially when Rachel told her that her doctor was like a third father to her. Quinn got the same treatment from Dr. West as she did from Leroy, well except the screaming fan girl part, but she could tell that he did like her.

When Quinn first heard the heart beat, she almost burst into tears. It was the most amazing sound she had ever heard, and it was so...real. Quinn would ask the non stop questions about the baby and pregnancy. She wanted to be informed about it as much as she could.

At school, Quinn also helped Rachel when it came to slushy attacks, which actually happened a lot more than usual after the news of who Rachel's real "baby daddy" got out. It seems Finn put a hit out on the both of them, Santana and Puck too, but since most of the guys, not that they would admit this, were kind of afraid of the trio, Quinn especially, they mainly set their focus on Rachel. This honestly only last about a week. Like I said, most of the guys were scared of the trio, especially Quinn, after hearing about how she beat the crap out of Finn, there was no way they were crossing them, plus Finn didn't have as much power in the school as he thought.

Although most of the slushie attacks stopped, there were still the brave *stupid* jocks that continued to slushie Rachel, and Quinn wanted to handle them, but she had more important things to handle. She stayed back and helped Rachel get clean. She'd send Santana and Puck after the douche bags who slushied Rachel. She also chose to stay away from Finn for the time being. She had better things to do than to deal with Finn's little temper tantrums.

Speaking of better things, Quinn and Rachel were currently in their fifth block history class when Rachel jumps up from her seat a jets to the restroom holding her hand to her mouth. Quinn saw and quickly jumped after her.

"Mr. Watson." Quinn raises her hand after Rachel runs from the room.

Also after the news about Rachel and Quinn got out, some teachers understood how sometimes Quinn would want to be with Rachel while she was sick.

"Go ahead." Mr. Watson said.

Quinn quickly run out and after Rachel.

After Quinn was out of the room, whispers started.

"Hey...hey...alright settle down everyone..." Mr. Watson told the class.

"Hey!" a shout was heard from the back of the room. Everyone turned to Santana. "Unless you all like having the feeling in your lips to talk, I suggest you shut up." Santana threatens. Everyone shut up quickly, not knowing the what Santana just said made absolutely no sense at all, it was still scary.

"Uh...thank you, Miss Lopez. Now turn back to your books and turn to page 128. Mr. Simmons, would you please read for us." Mr. Watson instructs.

Back in the girl's bathroom, Quinn makes it to Rachel in record time. By time she got in the restroom, it sound as if Rachel had just started. Quinn rushed to her side and held her hair back.

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