Chapter 41

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"Did you find her?" JJ asks Puck as soon as he comes out to the locker room.

"Nah, she's not in the locker room." Puck answers. Just then Finn comes up.

"Dude, what the hell? Where the hell is Quinn?" Finn says frustrated.

"We don't know. We're looking for her."

"And what the hell was that out there? She can't just stop a game like that. This is the championship game." Finn huffs

"We know what game it is Tubbs. No need to remind us. If you haven't notice, we have more important adult things to worry about." Santana says

Finn was about to say something when someone came up to the group.

"Uh hey, is everything okay?" Anderson asks

"It's Quinn, we can't find her." Puck answers.

"Oh uh, what happened?" he asks concerned.

Someone was about to answer him when...

"Hey, hey don't tell him anything. He's the enemy." Finn says. He goes ignored.

"She got some bad news. Sorry, but that's all we can tell you. It's pretty personal." JJ answers.

"Oh no, it's okay. I understand." Anderson nods.

"So if Quinn's MIA, does that mean we forfeit?" Dave asks

"NO!" Finn yells

"No." Coach Beiste says a little calmer. "No, you're gonna out there and you're going to play."

"See I knew it. I knew this would happen." Finn hisses.

"You didn't know anything, so shut up Finn." Brittany says.

Finn ignores her.

"See Coach if you had just made me captain, none of this would have happened." Russell would never hit a child, but he wanted to ring this boys neck.

"Yea, you're right Finn." Puck said surprising everyone. Finn had a smug look on his face, which was quickly wiped off. "Yeah, if you were captain, we wouldn't even have won the first game, let alone be in the Championship. So shut the fuck up, Hudson." Puck sneers.

In anger, Finn shaves Puck, who quickly regains his balance and goes to punch Finn.

"Hey! Hey!" Coach Beiste breaks up the fight. "Stand down!" She separated the two. "First off, there's not going to be a forfeit. We're playing till the better team wins. Now go get into positions!" No one moves. "NOW!" That got them moving.

"Coach, I can't go back. I can't play not knowing what's going on with my best friend and Jew babe." Puck said jogs up to Coach.

"I didn't except you to. Go find Fabray and report back when you get some news. We'll handle this." Coach Beiste said

"Thanks, Coach."

"Don't think me, just make sure our girls are okay."

"You got it coach." Puck said

"Hey," Puck turns when some one calls out to him. " I hope your friend's okay." Anderson says sincerely.

"Thanks man. And hey don't kick their butts to bad." Puck jokes

Anderson laughs. "We'll try, but no promise."

Puck smiles and heads over to the family.

"Anything?" He asks when he gets close.

"Nothing. She wont pick her phone either." JJ says

"Um guys, I don't mean to state the obvious, but don't you think there would only be one place Quinn would be heading to?" Emily says

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