Chapter 12

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It's been almost two months since the Puck's party. Almost two months since that night with Quinn. It's been one month since Rachel began feeling sick, vomiting all the time and feeling queasy over just about every food she came into contact with. It's been three days since she found out she was pregnant. Pregnant with Quinn's baby.

She has yet to talk to Quinn about it. She was to scared. What if Quinn claimed that the baby wasn't hers? What if Quinn called her a slut? What if Quinn told the whole school that Rachel was a slut and would sleep with anyone for attention? Okay so that last one was a little dramatic, but could you blame her, she was really on edge right now.

Plus she still had to deal with Finn. She hasn't talked to him since he came over her house last Friday night. She was scared to talk to him. She was to scared that if with one look at him, she might burst in tears and tell him everything, especially when she wasn't ready. That wouldn't be good.

She also hasn't told her parents yet. Besides Brittany, and of course Pete, Rachel hasn't told anyone. She was to scared about what people might say about her.

Rachel also hasn't been feeling any better. She just seems to be feeling worse and worse everyday. Whoever called it "Morning Sickness" lied. Cause to seemed like "every moment of everyday" sickness. Rachel would throw up all the time. Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Night, and if she was lucky or...well unlucky, she would even throw up at snack time. On top of all of that she was moody. Well moodier than she usually is. She had to pee more than usual, her body ached and her feet were staring to hurt. Her breast started to get bigger, well that's not necessary a bad thing, but you get the picture. It was so exhausting.

Tuesday at school was no exception. Just getting out of bed was exhausting. Rachel almost thought about staying home but she knew that if she missed school then her perfect attendance record would be jeopardized and she just couldn't have that. Also she knew she would have to face Quinn sooner or later.

Is it wrong that she was hoping for later?

It's been a week and two days since Quinn last talk to Rachel in the restroom. It's been three days since Quinn had a inkling about what was going on with Rachel. Since Quinn had a feeling that Rachel was pregnant. Pregnant with her child. She had yet to talk to Rachel about it. She didn't know what to say. How do you ask a girl if you got her pregnant?

And what if Rachel is pregnant, then what? Sure Quinn had enough money to take care of a child, just not the time or baby knowledge. Quinn was scared. What if Rachel blamed Quinn for getting her pregnant? What if Rachel didn't want the baby? What if she wanted to get an abortion? Okay see that last thought really freaked Quinn out.

Honestly, it all just freaked her out. She was having a baby. Well, there was a possibility she was going to have a baby. She did sometimes think that she might want a kid. Yeah, someday settle down with the right girl and have a couple kids, but that was when she got older. Not now. She was only a sophomore in high school. She was to young. She just made captain of the basketball team. Only girl on the team.

She couldn't be having a kid when she was still a kid herself. And what would her friends say? This was just to much to handle.

But in the mist of all this self-absorbed pity party Quinn was giving herself, she forgot to think of the most important thing. Rachel. Rachel was probably way more freaked out than Quinn. She was going through the same thing, but probably worse. She was the one that had to go through the morning sickness and mood swings and everything else that pregnant girls go through. Quinn was just sitting back and watching. Well not literally, but...oh whatever you know what I mean. Rachel must be really freaking out, and Quinn felt like an ass for not thinking about Rachel's feelings about the situation first.

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