Chapter 31

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Unknown's POV

I quickly dialed her number. At the third ring she answered.

"Hello?" Her voice filled my ear.

"Hey it's me. When are you going to get her?" I asked gripping the phone.

"Call your thirsty ass." She sighed. "I'll get her for you in about a week."

"A week?!" I screeched. "I need her now, Lily!!" I argued.

She groaned. "I can't. Calm down."

I sighed. "You have a week."

"Ok, by-" I cut that bitch off.

I continued to look at her from afar with a girl her age.


Ariana's POV

I was waiting for Lara with my friend Taylor, Zach's girlfriend.

As we waited I sipped from my kiwi-strawberry Snapple.

I looked down at my white Vans. Today I was wearing a white lace crop top with high waisted shorts and my white vans.

For accessories I was wearing a infinity necklace with my believe ring on my right middle finger.

As soon as Lara showed up we walked towards the entrance of the mall. As we walked in there is a group of guys looking at us from head to toe. I just smiled at them while the girls looked around.

We heard someone call Lara's name so we turned. It was Austin, Zach, Alex, and Robert.

Lara and Taylor ran to their boyfriends hugging them while I stood by the entrance of Zumiz. I looked over to the group of guys who were staring at me.

There were four guys who were as tall as skyscrapers. There was a blonde one, A blue haired one, A curly haired one, and a tan guy with a blonde highlight on his black hair.

The blue haired one blushed when he saw me looking at him back. I smiled at him and all the boys started to tease him.

I looked over at Austin who had a annoyed expression, glaring over to the group of boys. I smirked and walked over to them.

"Hey I couldn't help but notice you four boys were staring at me." I smiled cheekily.

"I- um- n-no we wasn't." The blue haired one said.

I laughed a little and introduced myself. "My name is Ariana."

"I'm Luke." The one with the ocean blue eyes said.

"I'm Calum." The tan one said.

"I'm Ashton." The one with a bandana wrapped around his mess of curls said.

"I'm Michael." The one with the blue hair said.

"I love your hair Michael." I complimented.

Michael blushed looking down at his warn out combat boots.

Luke looked behind me as I heard footsteps coming towards us.

"Hello, I'm Austin." Austin wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Hey, is he your boyfriend?" Calum asked.

"No." I said pushing his arm off me.

He glared at them while Calum smirked and spoke up. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah." I said truthfully. "Well, when you're single just hit me up." He joked.

We all laughed except Austin. "I don't think so." He muttered.

The girls and their boyfriends came towards us. "Hey." Lara greeted.

"Hey, this is Luke, Ashton, Calum, and Michael." I introduced.

The boys waved and smiled.

"Guys these girls are my friends." I said glaring at the guys. "This is Lara and Taylor."

"Hey. But I thought you said Austin was your friend." Ashton said confused.

"Well, we really are not." I said looking at Austin from the corner of my eye.

They all nodded. "Well... maybe we can hang out and your friends later on, yeah?" Luke spoke up.

"Yeah of course." I said smiling and exchanging phone numbers.

"Bye." I hugged them and walked away with the people I came here with.

"I thought we were friends." Austin whispered.

"We're not." I said as I walked closer to Taylor and made a conversation.


Lily's POV

I sat on the couch waiting for Ariana to get home from shopping. I looked down at my phone sighing.

She should be home in about 3 min.

I looked around, it looks much more cleaner since the last time I came. Last I came was when my dad had Ariana tied up in the basement.

I can't believe I'm her half sister.

I heard the front door open and close. I smirked as I got my pocket knife ready and looked back at the living room entrance.

I saw her figure turn on the light and a gasp came out of her mouth as she saw me.

"Hey, your a little off timing." I said standing up. "I've been waiting for you for a while now."

"W-Who are you?" She asked cautiously.

"It doesn't matter." I said walking towards her slowly. "I just have orders to complete."

She quickly ran out the door and ran down the neighborhood. I groaned and ran after her.

"Get back here or else!" I screamed.

She turned the corner as I catches up to her a little. She quickly sped up.

I chased after for about a block until she stopped at a house banging on the door. "Justin! Justin! Hurry!" I quickly jogged the corner.

The door swung open as I grabbed her arm. Justin's eyes widened as he saw me.

"Get off of her, you bitch!" He kicked my stomach.

He pulled her inside as I walked down the road back to my car.

I dialed his number and told him I couldn't get her.

Ariana's POV

I panted as I sat down on Justin's couch. "Baby?" He breathed out. "What happened?"

I opened my mouth to say something but soon closed it.

"I-I don't know." I said.

"Come on you need to rest lets get you into some comfortable clothing." He said taking me to his room.

As soon as I changed we went and sat down on the couch watching Finding Nemo.

Soon we both drifted off to a slumber.

The Bully (Ariana Grande, Austin Mahone, Justin Bieber love story)Where stories live. Discover now