Chapter 26

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Not my edit but I did edited it a little for the bruises.

Ariana's POV

As walk through the halls after school I watch as a jock walks towards me with a smirk on his face. Lily, the schools biggest slut, walks towards me from my left side.

"Hello, Bitch." Lily said. She looked at the guy in front of me and nodded a little with a big smirk on her face and evil in her eyes.

The jock quickly tossed me on his shoulder and took me outside. I squirmed and kicked and even pulled his hair and he didn't put me down until we were outside. I saw a crowd forming around us.

I looked around and saw people pulling out their phones/devices and taking video of me. I quickly tried to sprint out of the circle but someone pushed me to the ground.

I tried again and whoever tried to stop me I punched them in the face. Once I was about 10 feet away from the circle someone grabbed my wrist and pushed me inside a car. Once I saw who it was I got a a little relaxed but I was still tense.

"Don't worry I'm helping you." He said. "You see, I had a dream. What happened back there was exactly what was going to happen. You were supposed to get beat up and I was supposed to kick yo-. Nevermind about that, well anyways at the end of my dream you told my mom about me beating you up and I don't want that to happen. Oh, and thank you would be nice don't you think?." He rambled.

I just looked at him. I swear I have never stared at someone so hard, and not in a good way.

"So your doing this for yourself?" I asked.

"Part of it, yeah." He mumbled. "But the other part I don't want you to get hurt." He paused. "By anyone else than me."

I glared at him. "Remember when I told you I forgave you?" I asked and he nodded in response taking a quick glance at me. "Well I never did forgive you."

He looked taken back but soon glared at me. "I should have left you back there." He grunted.

I was so annoyed with him. "Stop the car." I demanded.

"What?" He asked, shocked.

"Stop the fucking car now!" I raised my voice. I continued to glare at him as he shook his head. "Stop the car, Austin!"

"No!" He argued back.

I really don't care if I get hit with a car at this moment. There's no reason to live. I unbuckled the seatbelt and unlocked the door.

I noticed how the car slowed down a bit. "What are you doing?" Austin asked cautiously.

"Well you won't stop the car and I need to get out of this car." I said casually looking out the window seeing a car on the lane next to the one we are on.

"Okay! Fine! I'll stop the damn car just don't jump out! I don't want to pay for your hospital bill, damn." He grumbled pulling up on the side of the road.

We weren't that far from my house and Justin's. I quickly gathered my things and stepped out the car. "Bye, Austin." I glared.

I walked off the direction of Justin's house.


As I walked up Justin's doorstep I checked the time of my phone, 5:30pm.

I knocked on it twice and the door swung open a a few minutes after. Justin appeared about 2min after wearing a black shirt, black saggy pants, and white supras.

As soon as he saw it was me he pulled me into a hug. "Hey, babe." He. I mumbled into my hair.

"Hey." I said as we pulled away.

The Bully (Ariana Grande, Austin Mahone, Justin Bieber love story)Where stories live. Discover now