Chapter 18

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Next shout out goes to...


Go follow her now!!

I love you all!!


Austin's POV

I watched in horror as I see Ariana laying unconscious in her own pool of blood.

I carefully look at her back. My eyes widen as I look at her bleeding back and her wrists chained to the wall.

I looked at her carefully to find signs of any breathing but nothing. I started to breath shaky as I walked closer to her.

She had lost a lot of blood as I can tell by her big pool of blood around her.

I carefully placed my hand on her neck searching for any pulse but only found a faint one.

This was not an attempt of suicied. Someone did this to her.

I pulled my phone out and dialed 911.

"911, what is your emergency?" A lady asked.

"My -my.." I couldn't finish because I just starred at her.

I wanted this didn't I?

I wanted her to die, right?

"Hello? Sir?" The woman questioned at the other phone line.

"I-I'm sorry." I stuttered out.

"My- my Friend is in trouble." I choked out.

I looked down at Ariana and let out a shaky breath. I told her the address and in minutes the police was here.

The ambulance had to break the chains and place her on a stretcher.

I rode with her in the ambulance as I watched them put her a oxygen mask.

I started to breath heavily. What if she's dead?

I looked at her, she looked so innocent, fragile, broken, and hurt.

They started to lean forward until my lips kissed her cheek. I felt a little spark as my lips came in contact with her cheek.

I leaned back and looked at the doctor. "She will be ok." He reassured.

I nodded as I felt my eyes sting. I looked at Ariana.

Once we arrived at the hospital they quickly ran out into the hospital with me pacing around in the waiting room.

A police man came towards me. "Do you know what happened?" He asks.

"I-I don't know." I said honestly. "I was walking and say her house so decided to see why she wasn't at school yesterday." I pause as the images of Ariana on the floor flood to my mind. "Nobody answered the door so I went in." I swallow the big lump forming in my throat.

"I-I went into the basement and saw A-Ariana on the floor chained to the wall... in her own pool of blood with her back....." I trail off, my voice cracks a little.

"It's ok, son. You don't have to say no more." He said patting my back.

I nod and go sit at a chair. Why do I care for her now?

I think it's just that I feel bad for her. But who did that to her?

Is she being abused at home also?

Ugh, all these questions!!

I get up and call a cab. I quickly leave the hospital back home.
Once I was home I quickly got in my car and drove to Justin's house.

The Bully (Ariana Grande, Austin Mahone, Justin Bieber love story)Where stories live. Discover now