chapter 22

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Ariana's POV

My eyes widened as I read the text, Hey, its Lara I finally got your number. I hope you didn't forget about me. Just to refresh your memory we were best friends in freshman year until I moved away in sophomore year. I hope we still are. :)

I smile big and reply quickly. She told me she needed to talk to me personally not just by a screen so I told her to meet me in Starbucks.

I told Justin I had to go and hugged him. I walked towards sturbucks which was close to Justin's house.

I saw Lara sitting in a round table outside. She looked at me and waved with a wide smile on her face.

She hasn't changed a lot. She only got taller and her hair is longer. She has beautiful green blue eyes and brown hair which I envy a little.

She's way more pretty than me. I'm a six and she's a 10 from a scale of 1 to 10.

I smiled and waved back. I sit in front of her. She studies me and glares at me playfully. "What?" I ask giving her a weird look.

"Why?" She asks pointing at my hair. "Because I got bored of the red." I say laughing a little.

She huffs and laughs afterwards. "Ok, enough of that. Any boys?" She asks wiggling her eyebrows at me.

I blush a little and look at my lap. "Yes." I say looking at her.

She squeals in excitement and tells me to tell her what he's like. After half an hour talking I ask her if she has any boys in her love life. She said she has a boyfriend.

"He texted me about 3 minutes ago that he was coming, is that Ok?" She asks.

"Of course." I say. "Oh and he's bringing couple friends with him." She said unsure.

"That's fine." I say smiling.

A red range rover passes by and Lara stands up. "Where are you going?" I ask her.

"To my boyfriend!" She yells over her shoulder.

I sigh and stand up to go order a caramel frappé. I wait until my drink is done then go towards the table I was sitting at.

I hear laughing but it soon stops as I come into view. I look up and see Zach, Alex, and Austin sitting at our table.

I slowly walk towards Lara who had my phone and ask her for it.

Once she gives it to me I look at Zach who has a look of disgust on his face. "Lara what the hell is she doing here?" Zach asks her.

I look at him and look from Alex to Austin who looked at me with a sad expression, to Lara.

"She's my best friend, Zach." Lara says glaring at him. Zach looks at me to her.

"Alex do you really want her to hang out with this-"

"Enough Zach!" Austin yells glaring at Zach. He returns the gesture.

Lara gives me a hug and I hug her back awkwardly. We let go and I look at Alex and Zach.

"Listen. Alex if it makes you feel better this will be the last time you will see me talking to Lara." I say, looking at Lara who looked like I broke a piece of her.

I look at Zach. "I don't know what your problem is with me but you can beat me all you want. I. Don't. Give. Two. Shits." I say.

I walk away drinking my Caramel Frappé while browsing on my phone for music.

I glace behind me and see Zach walking towards me with a pissed expression. Austin and Alex running behind him trying to stop him.

I put my phone down and drink and walk towards him too.

I'm fucking hate this bullshit.

I'm tired of all of this.

"You fucking think your so tough?" He said.

We stopped walking when we were about 2 feet away. "I don't think I'm tough. I am tough." I pushed him back.

"Zach don't do anything!" Alex yelled at him when they were about 6 feet away.

He slapped me and I kicked him on his crotch. He fell to his knees but quickly stood up.

Soon we both started to throw punches and kicks. Of course I got worse bruises and cuts.

Alex and Austin tried holding him off but he pushed them away. I got angry when he would say rude comments I punched him right below the ear and I knocked him out.

I spit the blood that was in my mouth. I looked up at Austin and Alex, they looked dumbfounded.

I glared at them then walked back to get my phone and drink. I looked down at my bloody knuckles.

Fucking bitch.



Its cold and for those who read my notes, I love you.

These are my thoughts on my notes and I want to share them with you.

Idk why... I just do.... but.... yeah.

I'm pretty sure you guys will change my mind to not delete this story.

Thank you for understanding that I'm busy with school or chores etc.

I'm very grateful for that thank you.

I finished this chapter in about 15 min. idk

love you xxx

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