Chapter 7

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Ariana's POV

I didn't want to get beaten. I hate Drake and Austin!!

I quickly stood up and ran out the door. I ran as quickly as I could and looked back but once I looked back forward I bumped into something hard.

I fell back and groaned as my body met the concrete floor. I look up and it's him.


I stood up quickly and took a step back. I took a quick glance behind me just to make sure Drake wasn't following me.

I looked back at Austin looking behind me to see what I was looking at.

"ARIANA!!" I heard Drake yelling from around the corner. My eyes widen and I spoke up to Austin. "Listen you can beat me again all you want tomorrow but bows not a good time," I panted.

"Aria-"he got cut off by me

"Listen I really can't talk right now," I said running past him fast.
I ran quickly, and I didn't know where I was going, but I know somewhere far for a while.

I ran until I saw a gas station. I stopped running to catch my breath and looked up at the sky.

It was all gray. Really?! Now?! What a coincidence!!

I bowed my head trying to catch my breath until I looked back up and a arm was wrapped around my waist, and a hand over my mouth.

"You think you could run away from me little bitch?! Well I'm not that easy to get rid off."Drake
whispered in my ear.

My eyes widened and my breath hitched. I started shaking of fear.

"I'm your worst nightmare, you will never leave me because nobody wants you. Your just an ugly bitch. People treat you like a stray dog in the streets, just walking around." He whispered in my ear but once he said that it started raining.

He let go of me but grabbed my arm really tight that I think is gonna leave a bruise.

We started walking back to 'home' or aka hell hole #2.

Once we got there he yanked my hair and closed the door. He started to throw punches at my from every direction.

He started kicking me and I felt really, extremely numb. I felt really cold.

"Die bitch!"He said and walked away from me. "I'm going to the club so clean up your mess."

I couldn't move. Everything looked vivid and the floor felt like it was moving.

I recollected myself and stood up. I walked to the laundry room and got a towel. I cleaned the mess up and walked upstairs.

I took a quick shower, did my night routine and went to sleep.

~~Next Morning~~

I woke up to banging on my door and yelling for me to wake up. But aye, at least it's Friday.

I changed into (

I brushed my hair and straightened it. I brushed my teeth and put on my black combat boots. I put on foundation and a lot of it, a little of water proof mascara, and Chapstick.

I grabbed my backpack and walked out of my room. I skipped breakfast because let's face it, I'm so fat.

I walked down stairs and looked around for Drake because he could be popping out of nowhere.

Just as I was about to walk to the front door, BANG!!! I got a punch right on above the one on my bruise on my jaw.

I quickly look up and Drake is there looking at me. "What are you looking at?! Go to school bitch!!" he yelled pushing me out the door.

The Bully (Ariana Grande, Austin Mahone, Justin Bieber love story)Where stories live. Discover now