Chapter 15

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Next shoutout is for.......


She has been there from the beginning of the story!!

She's always voted and commented and inboxed!!

So go follow her!!!

Like... now!

Anyways.... Let's continue!


Austin's POV

This little bitch has nothing to do here, but still after Ariana and I have told him to leave he still doesn't.

And plus he called my ass little and it's not the only small assed is Robert!!

Justin got in my face and started saying shit. I just stood there waiting for him to finish.

"Uh... Are you fucking done?" I asked with an annoyed tone.

"No." He spat.

"Well shut the fuck up or else-"

"Or else fucking what?!" He Asked angrily.

"I'll beat the fuck out of you!" I spat.

"You'll beat the fuck out of me?? My ass!!" He laughed bitterly.

I growled as Justin started walking towards Ariana. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and whispered something in her ear that made her smile a little and kiss his cheek.

Damn, that should be me.

What the fuck?! What did it just say?!

Yeah that's right, Austin Carter Mahone has a crush on the girl he bullies.

Um... no.

I got snapped out of my thoughts when my body came in contact with the concrete floor.

I looked up and saw Justin with his fist clenched. I clenched my jaw and looked at Ariana who had her eyes wide open.

"Justin, let's go." She tugged at Justin's arm like a little kid.

Robert helped me up while I glared at the two bitches in front of me.

"Ok, babe. Let's go." He said turning around slinging an arm around Ari's shoulder.

"Oh so your dating the slut, huh?" I smirked. "You know she's just using you for the D!!"

I saw Justin's fist clenched and his jaw.

They stopped right in their tracks and Justin turned around. He walked towards me and stood right in front of me.

"First, she's not a slut!! Second, maybe we are dating!!" He yelled in my face, glaring at me.

"Ok so now she made you believe that she's not usi-" I was cut off by a punch on my jaw.

I slowly looked back and saw Justin with his fist, again.

I threw him a punch in the stomach. While he was trying to catch his breath I saw Robert, AC, and Zach beating up Ariana.

Well mostly Robert and Zach. Alex doesn't like to hurt people.

Justin kicked the back of my knees making me fall to my to my knees. He then punched me in the face making me fall backwards.

I groaned in pain and clenched my face. I saw Justin running towards Ariana who was curled in a ball clenching her stomach and coughing blood.

I smirked a little and stood up. Zach, AC, and Robert walked towards me. Robert and Zach had a few scratches on their faces.

The Bully (Ariana Grande, Austin Mahone, Justin Bieber love story)Where stories live. Discover now