Chapter 4

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Ariana's POV

Then I heard one that caught my attention. "Go kill yourself," I knew that voice, Austin.

After that he left and so did everyone. Once everyone was out of sight I tried to stand up, but failed.

I tried again and succeeded this time. I grabbed my bag and limped to the doors.

I walked/limped home, my stomach was killing me. I was at the front door of my house. I opened the door and to my surprise it was quiet.

I looked behind me in the drive way but my dad's car was there. Weird.

I closed the door with my foot and put my bag down by the door. Quietly walked up the steps to my bedroom until I felt someone yank my hair back down the stairs.

I screamed but that was a bad idea. My dad came down the stairs fast while holding a belt in his hand.

My head hurts a lot because when he pushed me I hit my head on the stairs.

Drake (Ariana's dad) came closer, he lifted dragged me by my hair to the basement. I was yelling and screaming of the pain, he threw down down the stairs and came down.

He held the belt up and hit me in the legs, arms and face.

--One Hour Later--

It has been one hour and he was finally done. I had cuts and bruises all over my body, I had a black eye and Drake left me down here and said he was going to a club and when he would get back in one week cause he was going with his girlfriend ,more like a toy, for a week.

I stood up and made my way up the stairs carefully and went in my room.

I think i could have a shower. I went in my bathroom and got the water ready. I stripped my clothes and got in, the warm water stung on my cuts.

I stayed a while in there just thinking of why me? Why was my life like this? What did I do to deserve this?

After me thinking I turned the water off and wrapped a towel around my body.

I looked in the mirror and saw scars, fresh cuts, bruises fading, and newly fresh bruises.

I walked in my room and changed into my pjs.

I looked at the clock, 8:54. Wow time goes by fast.

I decided to go to sleep early. I was about to lay down on my bed until my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and it was a blocked number.

"Hello?" I said,

"Hey bitch I saw your mother at sea world performing with the whales" a girl said. I heard laughing in the background. I felt tears threatening to fall so I just hung up.

I cried myself to sleep that night. I only thought about my mother and why she left me.

I always get calls like that it's mostly about my mother or me.

I snuggled up in my covers and slept. I wish I can just sleep forever.


Hey guys thanks for reading

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