Chapter 28

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated. I have been busy with school work again I write when I can.

I'm sorry.


Justin's POV

I felt as I couldn't breath. I took deep breaths.

When I heard the news it hit me like a wrecking ball. I couldn't believe it.

What a dirty old man. I swear I'll fucking fuck him up.

I quickly walked out before I could do something I would regret. I looked around the hall where I see the police taking Drake away. I bawled my fists up and walked towards him.

Once he saw me he smirked and tried to remove the cop's grip off him. I quickly punched him with all the force and anger I was feeling. My knuckles started throwing and I nodded at the cop who took away Drake, who now has a broken jaw.

I pulled at my hair. I couldn't take it anymore! I fucking love her! So much it hurts.

I walked towards Daniel with tears streaming down my face. "I-I need to see her. Please." I begged.

He nodded quickly and walked me towards her room. Once I entered Austin was sitting on a chair by the hospital bed. He had his head in his hands.

I quickly walked towards Ariana and held her limp cold hand. I looked at her futures. She was pale white, a bruise under her left eye, a tiny cut on her lip, a cut my her collar bone, but she was still the most beautiful person I have ever seen.

Sounds cheesy but it's true.

That shouldn't be her laying on this bed with needles punctured into her skin. She shouldn't be the one in a coma. If I could I would bring her back in a heartbeat.

I sat down on the other side of of the bed facing Austin who had puffy teary eyes and a red face. "Why are you sad?" I asked rudely.

He darted his eyes towards me and then looked down at his shoes. "I-I...." He trailed glancing at me from his seat.

"You what?! All you have done is make her life miserable! Every fucking day that I saw her she had some sort of cut or bruise on her beautiful body! Half of them were by you! You bast-" I got cut off by Austin's outburst.

"I get it okay?!" He boomed standing up. "Part of this is my fault but it's not mine only or Drake's! You weren't there when she most needed you! You know who was?!" He said before pointing at himself. "I was! You weren't there! You were never there! So don't you dare call me a bastard because the only bastard that wasn't there for her was you!!"

I stared at him blankly. I slouched down looking at my shoes. He was right.

He breathes heavily as I looked up at him. "You were never there for her." He said.

I stood up and stormed out. I know I wasn't there for her! I'm such a douche!


Austin's POV

I was so mad at him for saying that I was the bastard here when he was never there for Ari. I sat down in the seat next to Ariana's bed while I took her hand in mine.

So it is true, you never what you have until it starts slipping away or if it's gone. I realize that now.

I took this time to admire her beautiful face. She had pale soft skin, a bruise on her left cheek, and beautiful soft plump lips. I imagine kissing her under th-

Woah, woah there. I cleared my mind and just slipped away into dream land.


Niall's POV

The boys and I heard the news of Ariana over the phone with Austin. Once we all heard we decided to go see her at the hospital. My girlfriend was coming with me and the boys of course.

My girlfriend's name was Tiarna and she was the most beautiful girl I ever laid eyes on. She had light brown hair with pink dyed tips and crystal blue eyes.

As we walk through the hospital doors I quickly walk to the front desk to ask what room Ari was in. Once I know I nod over to the boys to follow me as I take Tiarna's hand in mine.

As we walk through the door we see Austin asleep laying his head on his and Ari's hand, which were intertwined. I looked over at Tiarna who looked at Ariana with such admiration.

She looked like she was about to pass out. "Baby? Are you okay?!" I asked panicked. She shook her head a little as she sat down. "I'm fine. It's just- never mind it nothing go see how she is." She said giving me a small smile.

She shooed me away and I walked over to Austin to wake him up but Liam was already slapping his face a little until he woke up with a panicked face. Once he saw we were here he relaxed and rubbed his face to wake up.

"Hey, guys." He greeted us. I patted his back to comfort him. He nodded and looked over at Tiarna. "Hello...." He trailed off looking at me.

"Oh right! Austin this is my girlfriend Tiarna, Tiarna this is my good lad Austin." He say gesturing me to her and her to me.

"Nice to meet you." She smiled as she shook his hand. She looked back at Ariana and broke down.

I quickly rushed to her side as the boys stood there looking confused. "What's wrong?" I asked, concern laced in my voice.

"I-I-" She sobbed. "Take deep breaths, babe." I assured her.

"Niall," She paused. "Ariana is my... Twin sister."


Justin's POV

I tugged at my hair as I paced back and forth on my wooden living room floor.

He was right.

I wasn't there for her when she got hurt. I wasn't there when she got her back whipped.

I wasn't the one who was there for her when I was supposed to be. I hate myself.

I don't deserve a girl like her. She's too kind. I'm not ready for a relationship.

I have to break up with her, even if it means to break my own heart.

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