Chapter 41

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Only one more chapter after this then the epilogue and it's over sorry.

I'm still not sure about a sequel. Give some feed back.


Austin's POV

I can't believe it.

She's on the verge of dying and I can't do anything about it this time.

I cried silently as I looked at my pale beauty. She wasn't responding to any medications and it's getting everyone worried.

Justin was on the other side of her holding her hand and occasionally kissing it.

I had her other hand in mine. I don't understand how someone could break her heart like that.

But then again, you abused and bullied her. Mentally and physically.

I shook my head a little just wanting her to wake up.

It's her last day to hope she wakes up. I stood up and kissed her forehead before I left to talk with her doctor.

"Hey, Greg?" I asked once I saw him at the front desk.

"Yes, Austin?" He asked while he glanced up at me from his paperwork.

"Could you go check if Ariana is reacting to her medications?" I asked.

Every day was the same thing. Either Justin or me would go and ask the doctor.

He nodded before following me to her room. Justin looked up from playing with Ariana's hand.

The doctor walked past me and checked her up. He looked at the monitor and wrote some notes down on his papers.

He looked at both of us with a hopeful glint in his eyes. "Slightly." He said.

That sparked a hope in me and I'm sure it did in Justin too.

Once the doctor left I walked back to my chair.

I took Ariana's hand in mine as I sat down.

"Hey, Justin?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"I just want to apologize for everything that has happened in the last awful year." I said looking at him.

"I want that too. I want to put it all behind. Ariana would like that for us." He said.

I nodded as I took my fist out and offered it to him.

He smiled slightly and collided our fists together.

I smile too for the first time this week. I looked up at Ariana seeing her still the same.

I frowned knowing she wasn't going to wake up at the moment. Her heart started to speed up again and nurses and doctors came in running.

I jumped off my chair and Justin ran to the other side of the bed. He stood next to me as we backed up to the wall.

The heart monitor wasn't slowing down until it became a flat line.

My eyes widened as I started sobbing. I saw Justin on the floor unconscious.

I started to have a panic attack and slid down the wall. I hugged my knees a I rocked back and forth.

Some nurses tried to ca me down an some ran to Justin's aid.

All the voices started to become muffled and started to hear ringing, I just kept seeing the doctors disconnect Ariana from the life support.

I started to see black dots in my vision until all I saw was black.

She's gone.

The Bully (Ariana Grande, Austin Mahone, Justin Bieber love story)Where stories live. Discover now