Chapter 37

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Austin's POV

I walked through the school halls and saw Ariana 'round the corner. I quickly walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind.

She gasped but sighed when she noticed it was me. "Gosh, don't do that Austin!" She frowned.

"I'm sorry, baby." I whispered into her neck. I felt her shiver and I placed a kiss on her neck.

She pulled away looked behind me. Justin was standing against the wall glaring at us.

I lifted my hand up and stuck the middle finger at him. I took Ariana's hand and walked away.

She smiled up at me and I kissed her forehead. "I won't let him hurt you, babe." I said.

We walked towards our first class which was English. I sat down in the back next to Ariana.

I smiled at her as I took her hand in mine. I truly like Ariana, I've always had feelings for her but I've never admit it. Until now.

She blushed and looked down at our hands.


It was after school and Ariana told me she had to tell me something important. I followed Ariana towards the schools football field. We both sat down.

She sighed and looked at me as I gazed back. "I like you Austin.." She said giving me a small smile.

I nodded. "But..?"

"But I don't want you to feel like the rebound so let's wait a little while, and we'll see then if you still feel the same way." She said.

"Ariana... I'll wait as long as you want, for you babe." I said as I pulled her in a hug. She hugged back and nuzzled her head into my neck.

"Ariana! Babe!" We both pulled away and snapped our heads towards the person who was yelling. It Was Taylor and Lara.

They climbed up the steps and smiled at us. "Justin was looking for you by the way." Lara said nodding over to the school building.

Ariana scoffed but nodded anyways. All of a sudden we heard someone yelling out Ariana's name.

We saw Justin walk out of a corner and walk up the steps. Ariana and I quickly stood up as Taylor and Lara ran down the steps.

Justin had an angry expression on his face as he got closer. About 5 steps down from where I was standing I decided that was close enough.

"Justin. That's close enough, bro." I said as I walked in front of Ariana. She sighed and put a hand on my chest looking into my eyes.

She gave me a small nod and kissed my cheek before walking down the steps. I bit my lip from smiling as I watched her take Justin's wrist and pull him away.

What the fuck is she doing to me?


Justin's POV

I couldn't do anything this past week and to top it off I saw Ariana kiss that ugly ass hoe. I walked angrily behind Ariana to the parking lot.

Once we were in front of my new car, she turned around and looked at me with teary eyes. "What do you want, Justin?" She asked.

I sighed as everything I wanted to say disappeared completely from my mind. "You. I'm sorry about what happened. I truly am. I can't do anything without thinking of you. I'm tired of living like this, I can't sleep, eat, I can't even focus. Please understand. I'm truly sorry. And I know-" I was cut off by Ariana kissing me.

I first tensed but soon relaxed. She pulled away crying. I placed my hands on each side of her face and kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry." She whispered and walked away from me.

I brought my hand up to my lips and touched them softly. That was our last kiss.

I broke down and started to kick the tires of the car next to me. I won't give up. I won't give up on us.

I got in my car and drove home. I have to get her back. Austin can't get with Ariana or I'll rip his head off and feed it to my neighbor's dogs.

I sighed as I tried to clear up my eyes while I got out of the car. I quickly walked up to my room and started to write down lyrics on my notebook.

I cried into my pages of words and walked towards my music room, but there was already someone waiting for me there at the piano.

My breath hitched as my tears silently rolled down my cheeks.

"Hi." They said quietly.


Who do you think it is?

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Jk jk

love you xxx

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