Chapter 23

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Not Deleting it you guys changed my mind!!


Ariana's POV

After a couple minutes of roaming the streets reality hit me. Hard.

I, Ariana Grande, knocked out one of my bullies.

I smiled a little but it soon flattened because it hurt to smile. As I made my way home I spotted brunette curls around the corner.

I walked a little faster and remembered who it was. Harry.

"Harry?!" I yelled.

He spun around and smiled but soon frowned. "What happened?!" He questioned running over to me.

"Don't worry." I paused. "I'm fine." I smiled a little.

"Come to my flat. The boys are there." He said. "We'll get you cleaned up."

I nodded and I followed him to his 'flat' which I like to call it house.

His house want far from mine. It was about 5 minutes from my house to his, or from his house to mine.

We walked unto his house which was a bit bigger than mine. "Harry?!" A British accent called from a different room.

All four boys came by the entrance and looked at us with shock. Harry looked at me and looked back at the boys.

He threw his hands up and yelled; "Honey, I'm Home!!" Which earn a giggle to slip out of my mouth.

Niall ran towards me which led to the rest of the boys trailing behind. They bombarded me with questions.

"What happened?" "Who did it?" "I'm going to beat that little shit"

"Enough!" Harry yelled.

Everyone silenced. "Come on now, Ari. We have to get you cleaned up, love." He said taking me to the bathroom.

He cleaned me up and wrapped my knuckles in bandages. "Thanks." I whispered.

He smiled, "Anytime, princess."

I smiled a little and looked in the mirror. A new bruise was forming on my right cheek and I had a few scratches here and there.

I hugged Harry and walked out. All of the boys hugged me tightly and kissed my cheeks.

"Guys, I'm fine. Honest." I said laughing a little. "Who did this?" Louis asked.

"Someone." I said. "Obliviously." Zayn said rolling his eyes.

I sighed and walked towards a hallway that lead to the kitchen. "Tell us!" Liam whined.

"Can you just drop the subject?" I asked. "No." The five boys said.

I groaned and looked through the cupboards until I found nutella. I grabbed some brad and popped it into the toaster.

I grabbed my drink from earlier and placed it inside the fridge. I looked through my phone and saw I had a missed call from Justin.

The boys kept bugging me while I called Justin. On the third ring I heard his voice through the phone.

"Baby, where are you?" Justin asked.

"Harry's house." I said truthfully. "I'm coming to get you." His deep voice said.

"Why?" I asked as I watched the boys make kissy faces while they eat cookies.

"Because I don't want you alone with five boys." His voice rang after a minute.

I laughed while getting mg bread out the toaster and stealing one of Liams cookies.

He looked at me shocked but I just continued doing what I was doing. "Are you jealous?" I taunted while eating my nutella covered bread.

"No!" He defended. "Maybe.... Fine! Yes! I am!" He yelled on the other line.

"But why?" I asked. "Because their British and can win you over me! With their little accents and charming looks! And what do I have?! Noth-"

"Justin!" I yelled. The boys looked at me weirdly, but I dismissed them. "Why are you so insecure?" I asked.

"Actually don't answer that." I sighed. "I like you for you. I would never want you to change, baby." I said.

He sighed and asked me the address of the house. Once I gave it to him he said he was one his way and hanged up.

I nodded towards this guys and stole Liam's cookie that he was about to eat. He looked at me shocked again and quickly started to eat his cookies.

I laughed a little and walked towards the living room. I laid down on the couch making myself at home while surfing TV channels.

Niall came in and laid on top of me. "Ufff! Get off!!" I said trying to push him off.

He shook his head and smiled. Harry came in and his eyes lit up at the sight. "Group cuddle!!" He yelled and got on top of Niall that groaned.

Zayn, Louis, and Liam came after and pilled on top of me. I groaned as I couldn't breath.

"Get the fuck off me!!" I managed to yell. I squirmed but we all fell to the ground.

Everyone was laughing but me. I was still trying to catch my breath.

There was a knock on the door and Louis quickly ran to open it.

While we hit the floor my knuckles came in contact with the floor first and now they were a throbbing mess.

I groaned as the boys came crawling over to me to see what was wrong. Louis appeared with Justin.

Harry examined my knuckles and said I was fine. He then kissed them.

I saw Justin with a face that described jealousy. I quickly got up.

The boys all turned to look who was there. Justin waved and said a quick hello.

He dragged me outside saying a quick goodbye and pushing me in the car.

He looked at me and shook his head in disappointment. "Why are you mad?!" I finally asked.

"I'm mad because you go behind my back letting those boys do anything to you without you telling them you have a boyfriend!!!" He yelled frustrated.

"Are you really jealous over a simple gesture?!" I asked getting mad too.

He sighed and took a glance at me. "Don't you get it! I'm fucking insecure! I'm afraid someone can take you from me." His voice cracked at the end.

"Oh no, baby. I like you. Only you." I said grabbing his free hand and intertwined our fingers.

"That's the thing. You like me. And I love you." He said.




Ignore that oops.

Not deleting it. Plz read my other story called Cancer Love!!

love you xxx

The Bully (Ariana Grande, Austin Mahone, Justin Bieber love story)Where stories live. Discover now