Chapter 11

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Austin's POV

"Hello there." A lady with a short dress, caked face, and curdled messy hair.

She looked like one of those sluts you would find at the bars.

She looked in her late 20's. But damn she looked ugly.

"Uh... Hi." I said looking at her then trying to look inside the house.

"What do you need, baby?" She asked seductively.

"Well.. Um... I heard screaming and yelling so I was wondering if everything was ok." I honestly told her.

"Yeah, babe. Everything is just fine." She trailed off, running her pointer finger down my chest. I carefully watched her hand move down my chest.

I cleared my throat and stepped back. "Well then... I'm just going to... go." I said running off when I said "go".

I heard her yelling telling me to go back but as I learned to not go back to the same slut.

You see, I once fucked that girl... she just doesn't remember me...

I started to walk home now because I got tired.

I wonder why was Stephanie doing there. And yes I remember her name. She has a pretty name, I gotta admit.

Well anyways... like I was saying I wonder what was she doing there.

Maybe Steph was one of Ariana's moms friend. Maybe not.

I sat up and looked around my big black room. My phone rang and saw a face of an idiot on the screen.

"Sup AC." I said into the phone.

"Hey Austin I thought we were gonna throw a party." I heard him say.

"Nah I don't wanna I'm tired I think I'm gonna take a nap, bro." I said taking off my shoes.

"Mkay, bro." he said.

"Ight. See ya later." I said with a yawn at the end.

"Bye." he said and hung up.

I climbed in bed and closed my eyes and felt my whole body relax.

My mind kept drifting off Ariana's house. I sighed deeply and closed my eyes.

Ariana's POV

When I got home I was going to sneak upstairs until I saw a woman sitting in the living room with Drake.

I tip-toed until I got to the bottom of the stairs until my phone rang. I gasped quietly as the both looked back.

I froze when I saw Drake's eyes darken. He told the woman with the cakes face something before she nodded and stood up.

She came over to me with a smirk. I just stood there. Frozen.

"Hey there." She said.

"H-hello, it's v-very gl- glice to meet you." I said looking down.

"Listen here your daddy told me that you are a very rude girl to him." she said taking a hold of my jaw pulling it upwards, making me look at her.

"I'm going to teach you how to be a lady." she whispers and then punches me in the stomach.

I clutch my stomach trying to catch my breath but see her taking off her heals. I look at Drake and see him coming towards the slut.

I backed up until I hit my feet hit the bottom of the stairs. I saw them making out so I took this chance to run up the stairs.

As I was making my way up the stairs I felt something hit me on the back of my head.

The Bully (Ariana Grande, Austin Mahone, Justin Bieber love story)Where stories live. Discover now