Chapter 28

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Paisley's POV
I got up to go to the bathroom, but was distracted by the sounds of muffled crying. Out of confusion, I started to search the upstairs rooms to see where it could have been coming from. I stood in front of Jc's door, deciding whether or not I should bug him. I couldn't help but knock when I heard what sounded like a female crying along with him. "Jc.. open up." I plead, the crying quiets down and the door opens up.

"What do you need?" he mumbled, trying to hide his poofy eyes and tear stained cheeks.

"Why are you crying? And who's in there with you?" He kept the door only open a crack so of course I couldn't see who the mystery girl was. Not that there are many options, I mean seriously the only possibilities are either Riley or Erin. He looked out into the hallway where I was standing, turning his head in both directions. With one swift motion, I was now standing in his room, witnessing the mess of a friend that was Riley. Her eyes were closed, tears running down her face.

"I miss her.." was all that Riley managed to squeak out. I was lost at first, but soon realized who she was talking about.

"I miss her too, but how come you're in here crying?" I asked, sympathy covering my voice. She didn't answer, so instead Jc answered for her.

"Paisley, I need you to listen for a minute." I don't know what made me actually listen to the ass, but for some reason I was all ears. "I'm so sorry for everything. I didn't mean to hurt her, I just couldn't stand to see her being put through all of that. I was just trying to help, you know I would never purposely hurt her." He went silent after that, waiting patiently for a response from myself. To be honest, I didn't know what to say. Should I really trust what he's saying? He shot my best friend. How am I supposed to trust someone who would do something like that? It's awful. I sighed, not forming the words to speak. I simply nodded, looking at my feet rather then his eyes. Thinking about it now, I never realized how much I actually missed Jordyn. Of course I knew I missed her, but I didn't expect it to burn this much talking about it.

"Please, Pais." He begged, I looked up at him, tears brimming my eyes.

"I want her back.." I muttered, letting a few tears fall. "I want her back." The words left my mouth again.

"I know, so do I." He spoke up, clearing his throat. "More then anything. I loved her, you know that right?" For some reason those words took me by surprise. If he loved her so much, he shouldn't have killed her. You shouldn't hurt the people you love. Never. If he loved her so damn much, how could he let her go like that?

"How do I know that I can trust someone like you?" I hadn't come to realize how rude that question had sounded until I saw the expression on his face.

"Please, give me another chance. I swear to God, I won't hurt any one of you." With that I left his room. I needed some time to think about this. Should I trust him again after what happened? Part of me wanted to forgive him so badly, but every time I thought about letting him back into my life, my imagination brought me back to that moment. Knowing that Jordyn was dead, knowing that he was the one who caused her death. I can't help but think of that. Those thoughts were the things that were keeping me from turning everything back to the way it was, except, without Jordyn.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Kian asked as I walked past our room, I didn't answer just walked in and took a seat on the edge of the bed. "Paisley?" His tone quieter, sweeter.

"Jc wants me to forgive him, just like that. I mean should I forgive him, Kian? After what he did to me and the rest of the people I care about? I'm so stressed about this and confused, I don't know what to do." I explained to him, he sat up in the bed and put a arm around my shoulder.

"You'll figure this out. I promise." Some how he managed to make me smile, I threw my arms around his waist and hugged him tightly, "Why don't you talk to the girls about this? Maybe It's a decision you should all make together?" he suggested. I looked up at him and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you, Ki." He smiled at me and hugged me close.

"Anytime." We sat like that for a while, engulfed in each others warmth. It was nice. I decided it was best to wait until tomorrow to talk to the girls about this, considering Riley was a mess and I can't imagine Erin is really in the mood to talk about this.

A few minutes later I spoke up, "Can we go for a walk?" With no hesitation, he shook his head yes and stood up. My hand gently held his as I grabbed my gun and he grabbed his. I slung the strap over my head and shoulder then went downstairs to leave.

"Where you two going?" Erin questioned, giving me a small smile.

"For a walk." I replied, and with that we both left, leaving all the issues at the house. A well needed, peaceful walk, alone with my boyfriend.

Hello my beauties!

Have a nice day/night XD

Love you guys!!


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