Chapter 1

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Erin's POV


I savaged through the old, run down convient store. Nothing but the same old shit. Great. Now what? I guess its on to the next store. "Find anything?" My sister Riley yelled from the outside of the store, "Same old." I told her as she reloaded her gun. "Shit!" She muttered, "Where are the other girls?" I asked as I looked around, curious as to know where they could have gone. "Said they were going for look out down the road, see if they could find anything." She explained. I nodded, "Let's move out." I stated, I grabbed the bag of food and tossed the strap over my shoulder.

We began walking down the dirt road, it was completely silent. Its not like I wasn't used to it though, there's was normally always silence. Unless of course there were Zombies. That's right zombies. My sister, Jordyn, Paisley and I have been stuck in a Zombie apocalypse for the past year. It sucks. No friends, or family besides each other. It could be worse I guess, at first it was difficult but we're so used to it. A lot has changed over the years, such as the fact that Paisleys family and Jordyns family have died, and my family. Well. They left. No goodbyes, absolutely nothing. They just got up ad left, leaving there daughters behind like we were nothing.

We continued walking until we reached a gas station, and inside were Jordyn and Paisley. "Yo! Guys!" I yelled as I stood in the parking lot, their head shot up from the racks of candy. They shoved a few bags of Skittles in their pockets then ran out to Riley and I. "Really?" My sister asked as she raised an eyebrow. "I may be serious. But even serious people need SOME sugar." Paisley spoke up, I rolled my eyes and unzipped the bag I had carried here. "Drop them in." I demanded, as kindly as I could. They both sighed and threw the bags of candy into the larger bag, filled with supplies and food that we needed.

I set the heavy bag down, "So. Should we head back to the shack?" I asked, knowing what the obvious answer was. "Sounds good. Got the keys?" Jordyn shakily questioned. She was always so jumpy and shaky, I never quite understood why but I never bothered to ask. "Yep! Who's driving?" Paisley said. A grin grew across Riley's face. Shit. Don't get me wrong, I live my sister to death but when it comes to her driving... Well... There's a reason she doesn't have her license. But now that there is no law, she doesn't need one so she takes every opportunity she can to drive. I sigh as Paisley tosses the keys into my sisters hands, this should be fun. "But I wanna drive!!!" Jordyn whined, Paisley turned to face her and smacked her right across the cheek. Was I shocked? No. Paisley did that all the time to her, she says that we need to be focused and have our mind set to staying alive. She never jokes around. About anything really, she took the role of our 'gaurdian' after all of our family was gone.

After nearly dying in that death trap that everyone else calls a car, we arrived back at the shack, which was our 'house'. We just called it shack.

A noise gathered all of my attention, I looked around quietly. "Motherfuckers." I cursed as I saw around 6 zombies starting towards us, a devilish grin grew across Riley's lips. This is what kept her sane, being able to see their blood and see the death. It was as if seeing that made her feel better, some how. I was the opposite. It made me feel worse. These poor people having to go through what they are, basically having to be killed twice.

Riley sprinted towards one then dug her knife deep into its skull, it then dropped to the ground. Now bleeding out of its head. She proceeded to stab 2 more then leave the rest to us, no big deal. 1 for each of us I guess. Jordyn pulled out her pistol and shot it right in the chest, then in the face, then to the head. 1 down, 2 more to go. Paisley had her double barrel shotgun ready to go, bang bang. Dead. My turn, the machine gun produced bullet after bullet after bullet. It didn't take to much to kill a flesh addict with one of those, I sighed then grabbed the bag out of the car. The grin still plastered on my sisters face, as if reliving it in her mind. A few giggles came from Jordyn, I swear sometimes I thought she was crazy. And then there was Paisley, the look of determination and focus I thought was permanatley stuck with her. I haven't seen her smile in so long. I wish she would just smile. But I guess that's hard to do when you've had so many losses in your life. Now that I think about it, none of us really smile for fun. We smile because none of us died, not because a cute guys asked us out or some shit like that. Other then that there was so reason to smile, let alone be happy.


Hello beautiful people!!!

First chapter done!!

Hope you guys like the story!

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Love you all



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