Chapter 24

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Riley's POV


I was honestly, probably the most sober out of all the people who had drank. I still felt a little hazy though, "Kiaann truth or daree?" Paisley yells, however there was no actual purpose to yelling. He was sitting right across from her. Kian chuckled, "Dareee." She giggles and grins. "Kiss me Kiannnn." She tells him. He leans in and kisses her, I laugh at the both of them quietly. They're acting ridiculous. We continued playing until Connor and Trevor both fell asleep, in the middle of the floor. "We should probably go to bed.." Erin suggests to us, I nod. The others sort of just, shrug their shoulders and walk to each of their bedrooms. I wake Connor up and he comes upstairs to our room, it didn't look very comfortable so I thought it'd be better if he slept in a bed.

"Connor, lay down." I tell him, laughing slightly as he stumbles through the doorway. "Babbbby." He slurs, making me giggle and shake my head. "Come cuddlee." He demands, I get changed into pajamas and climb into the bed with him. We cuddle close for a while, until he starts to get a little touchy. "Con, Stop." I demand, knowing where this was going. "Pleaseee, babyyyyy?" he questions, giggling. I chuckle, "Not now. You're drunk." I remind him, not that he listened to a single word I said. I shook my head and tried to fall asleep, the alcohol was getting to me. "Babbyyyyyy..." Connor whispers in my ear, sending a chill down my spine. "Come onn, It'll be good." he tells me, trying to convince me. I start to give in quite frankly. Not going to lie. He hovers over my body, pushing his hips lightly into mine. "Con.." I breath. His lips attach to mine, kissing me passionately. "Alright.. Okay.." I give in. I can feel his smirk against my lips, only seconds later his lips move down to my neck. He kisses softly at first, then he starts to suck. I moan quietly, he continues to suck. My turn. I grin, moving his lips back up to mine. I kiss him hard, nibbling his bottom lip asking for entrance. He allows and my tongue explores his mouth. My hands search his entire body, making him smirk.

He reaches his hands under my shirt and lifts the rim of my shirt, taking it off completely. Connor leaves small kisses down my stomach, I run my hands through his hair gently. "Stop teasing and hurry up." I laugh a bit, he chuckles and slips my pj shorts off. His fingers fumble around with the top of my panties, "Connnnorrrr, stop it." I groan, he laughs. "Ok, ok." And with that he slip his pants off, along with my panties. I slide his boxers off, he takes his shirt off as well. His member, pushes into me. I moan, trying to keep it muffled so no one hears. "Connnn." I moan his name, "Say it again." he tells me, "Nnnn, Connorrrrr." I say it a bit louder. He thrusts into me, faster and sloppier each time. We both came soon, he fell next to me. Wrapping his arms around me, "I love you." I tell him sweetly. "I love you too." and with that we both drifted off to sleep.

--The next Morning--

My eyes fluttered open, a yawn escaping my lips. My head surprisingly didn't hurt as much as I thought it would, hurray to no hang over! "Wake up baby." I kiss Connor's nose lightly. He opens his eyes slowly and stares into mine, his brilliant smile never fading his perfect lips. Memories of last night erupted in my head, making me grin a small grin. "Thanks for last night by the way." he smirked, I rolled my eyes and shoved his chest a little bit. I couldn't stay mad at him really, he had the ability to make me happy no matter what. Something I never thought I'd have honestly. I'm happy that I have him, he makes me feel really happy and smiley. I couldn't ask for anyone better. It seems like everyone has fallen for another, I definitely did not expect any of us to fall for another. That's the last thing I would've thought to happen. It's kinda funny in a way, some how even though none of us expected it, we each found someone who cares for us deeply. It's a nice feeling.

Short chapter, ah >.<

I'm really sorry, ugh fuck I'm terrible. I apologize sincerely. This chapter was kinda rushed tbh, I just haven't been in the writing mood lately. My friend literally had to force me to right.

Again, I apologize. I'll do my best to make these chapter longer and with a bit better quality.

I love you guys.

Thank you for 608 reads by the way! That's awesome! You guys are incredible!

I hope your 2015 is off to a good start.

I love you all.


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