Chapter 14

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Paisley's POV


I can't sleep.

Everyone thought that it would be best if we go and find some place to rest then return to out search in the morning. However, easier said, then done. Its not exactly that simple to fall asleep when one of your closest friends, actually more like family member is missing. I don't want to sleep. What I want to do is to find Riley. I have no idea what I'm gonna say to her when we do find her... If we find her.

I paced the porch quietly, searching for the right words to speak once I found her again. I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts by the front door opening, "You really should get some sleep, Paisley." I ignored Kian's suggestion and continued to relapse into my thoughts once again, until he grabbed my shoulders and stopped me from pacing peacefully.

His hands squeezed my shoulders tightly, his eyes locked with mine. His deep brown eyes, elegantly glancing me up and down. "Sleep. You're tired." He stated, before continuing. "Besides, you can't search when you are tired. You'll be fine. I promise, right when you wake up we can all go. Just please get some rest. You really do need it."

He had managed to persuade me to at least try and sleep, I knew it wasn't going to be easy but, the least I could do was try. I walked up the stained, carpet covered stairs. Holding the wooden railing lightly, taking my time with each step, observing the house. I reached the top and looked around, noticing a handle in the middle of the hallway. I realized it must've been a small closet, for sheets or something. I opened it up, curious to see what was actually in there.

Exactly what I thought. Old sheets, covered with different patterns that you would expect to see in a child's room. Bright polka dots and assorted coloured stripes, I grabbed a thin blanket that lay at the bottom of the closet, I unfolded it and dragged it to one of the rooms. I really didn't understand why we stopped to 'rest' isn't it a bit more important to looks for Riley, and Connor?

I let my thoughts consume me while I made the new looking bed set, after that was done I went to the bathroom that was downstairs. Painlessly taking my hair out of the tight ponytail that it had been in earlier, I ripped through it with my brush from my bag. I searched the bag for a set of pajamas but, unfortunately found only my dirty clothes from before my little bath in the lake. Fuck. Time for another little scavenger hunt for something to wear.

Before looking for the clothing I said goodnight to everyone, then led myself upstairs and into the room that I planned to rest in. I walked over to an older looking wardrobe, hopefully opening the door. Luckily finding a night gown, it looked a little bit old for me but, that didn't really matter considering I would only be using it for tonight. Hopefully. I switched into the knee-length night gown and slipped into he newly made bed. Closing my eyes was simple, trying not to focus on Riley was difficult. I some how, figured out how though and soon fell asleep. It was going to be a long day tomorrow.


As soon as I woke up I sat up and looked around, confused on my surroundings. I rubbed my eyes and took another glance around the small room, now realizing where I was and what I needed to do today. A muffle of noise came from beside me, looking over I see none other then Kian sleeping peacefully. Really?

I slide out of the bed and go into the cold hallway, wrapping my arms around myself trying to keep my body temperature up. Another breeze of the cold, thick air hit me, sending a shiver down my spine. I walked downstairs to see Jordyn alseep on the couch along with Jc on the floor in front of the couch, Trevor was asleep on the kitchen table. Well that looks comfortable. I assumed that Sam and Erin were upstairs because I couldn't see them anywhere down here. I peeked outside to see Ricky standing on the porch, talking to himself. It wasn't crazy talk or anything, it was as if he were asking himself questions. He wasn't answering them though.

I stared for a while, before understanding that it was weird to just stand there and stand. "Hey." I awkwardely coughed which seemed to get his attention, "O-oh. Hey." He sounded sort of sad in a way, not the was he normally sounded. Not as cheerful or confident. I shrugged it off and returned back inside and got all ready. Once I was finished getting ready, I started waking everyone up, "Get your asses out of bed. Wake up. Let's go!" I screamed, my voice cracking in the middle.


Jordyn's POV


I woke up to Paisley shouting, once fully awake I started getting ready. Which didn't take very long, as a matter do fact I think Trevor took the longest out of everybody, he kept talking about "Making his hair on point." I didn't get why, who did he really have to impress? Everyone soon finished and we were off, yet on another adventure, searching for Riley and Connor. I could already tell that this was gonna be a long day, we didn't know where they were or where they were going to go.

I grasped Jc's hand in mine. I guess its safe to say that we are together, he was right. He did win me over, not in the way I expected him to but, well, he certainly did. There goes my v-card. His lips brushed my cheek, causing me to smile ever so slightly. "Hey." Paisley shouted to us, making it clear that she didn't want us together at the moment. I can sort of understand why, I mean this is the entire reason we lost Riley. Relationships. If she hasn't fallen for Connor then we wouldn't be in this mess.

We continued walking, not a care about where we were actually heading. I'm sure they did the same thing though, didn't consider where they actually wanted to go. I can't help but wonder why Riley would leave, true she did fall for Connor pretty hard but the fact is. Family comes first. That's how it should be at least. Love can be pretty persuasive I guess, making you do crazy things that you'll probably regret later in life. Does she regret leaving? Does she miss us?

Different questions trailed over my mind thousands of times, leaving nothing but curiosity. I can't help but to be curious, its how I've ways been.

A stinging sensation arose in my arm, I groaned in pain as the stinging turned into burning. "Ugh shit." I spit out, grasping my arm tightly. Not that, that would help the pain at all. "You ok?" Jc asked, concerned. "Yea. I think.." I spoke, still in pain but, this time hiding it. I don't want to take away the focus on finding Erin's sister or Con. I continued to hold my arm tightly, I expected an eruption of more pain but, it surprisingly helped slightly.

The pain soon went away and I returned to walking normally until we all heard the familiar sound of the bitches who ruined this beautiful world. The fucking Zombies. I held up my guns and shot, bang bang bang bang. Nothing was left but a pile of corpses and blood.

More and more came, leaving us all surrounded. Words can't describe how many there were, more then I had ever seen all at once. Normally they came in small groups, but this. This was no 'small group'. With no hesitatiom everyone started to kill, there were too many though. I didn't know if we would be able to handle all of them at once, there were 8 of us and over around 40 of them. Why so many? Its unnatural.

We all tried out best but they seemed to keep reappearing. It was as if there were no end to this on going fight for out lives, they just wouldn't stop. We were cornered, no escape now. We almost didn't make it, that was until we had 2 people help us out. Connor and Riley.


Hopefully that was an okay chapter..

How are you guys today?

I'm pretty good.. I had a good/fucking bad day. Oh well. I'm sure tomorrow will be better.

Have you all seen Sam's video on o2l yet? #Lawlorff omfg. Shipppppppp for daysssss.

Anyways haha

I love you all!


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