Chapter 13

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Erin's POV


I walked slowly, and quietly. Enjoying the alone time, I needed this time alone. My thoughts were the only thing I had right now.

I can't believe my sister left, this is all because of the boys. She wouldn't have even met Connor if the boys had stayed out of our lives. The more I think though, the more I realize that Riley may not be as happy if she hasn't of met Connor. That beautiful smile of hers was so rare to see before he came into her life, I just wish she hadn't left.

Not to mention I felt bad for snapping at Sam. It wasn't his fault. I shouldn't have yelled at him, he was only trying to make me feel better. It was honestly, really sweet of him. I wish he knew I was sorry but, I'm already gone. I need more time to myself, to think.

I continued to walk, when I heard noises coming from behind me. I turned around to see Jc, Ricky and Jordyn running after me. I groan and continue to walk, I didn't want anyone to find me. "S-stop!" Jordyn yells, her breathing quite heavy. I finally give in and stop where I am, "What?" I ask with a blank expression. "Why the fuck did you storm off?" Ricky asked, sounding worried. Why would he care whether I ran off or not? "I needed time to think." I replied, kicking the dirt underneath my feet.

"Well thinking time is over. Everyone is off looking for Riley." They explained, the thought of finding her made a small smile appear on my lips. I have to find her, now.

I took a deep breath and followed them. "So...." I spoke to Jordyn, "I need to tell you something." She blurted out. Dragging us back a bit so the boys wouldn't hear, "What?" I asked, curiously. "Well... Uhm... You see.. I.. Uh.." She continued to move away from what she was trying to say, "Spit it out!" I nearly yelled, "Jc and I...." Her voice cut off, she didn't need to finish for me to know what she and Jc had done. "Oh my god." I spoke, with a slight laugh.

"Don't tell Paisley!" I laughed, she simply started laughing as well. I can't believe she fucked him. If I weren't so determine to find my sister then I'd probably kick her ass! "So uh. Where did you do it?...." I asked, curious as to know where the hell she managed to find a place considering we were all in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. "Convenient store...." She sighed, hiding her face in her hands. "Oh my god." I laughed, please tell me she didn't actually do it in a convenient store.

We continued to walk, my mood brightening up when I spotted Paisley but, soon turning into a frown after spotting Sam. I really should apologize, it wasn't his fault that my sister left. Its not like he told her to, I know he couldn't have helped the fact that she was gone. "Paisley!" I yelled, running towards her and giving her a huge hug. "Thank fuck your okay!" She hugged back, making an instant smile appear on my face. I pulled away and turned to Sam, "Sam..." I started, "Save it." He replied, cutting me off before I could even explain. "Just let me exp-" I began once again, but he then decided to cut me off. "I said save it." He repeated, leaving me feeling even more guilt. Without even thinking, I moved close to him and kissed his cheek. His mood brightened up, which caused a small smile on my lips. "You just-" I giggled a little, "Am I forgiven?" I asked. He simply nodded and kissed my cheek in return. For once, I actually didn't mind. We are still nothing more then friends though.


Riley's POV


We walked silently over a big hill, leaving just the sounds of nature to hear. Once and a while we would run into the average zombie but, it was peaceful for majority of our little walk. "Riley?" His wonderful voice broke the silence, "Yes?" I replied, cheerfully. "How are you feeling?... You know.. Since we left.." He asked, unsure whether or not he should've asked that complicated question. I didn't know how to answer, I don't really know exactly how I'm feeling. My emotions are all tangled up with one another so, its hard to tell what it is that I'm feeling. From what I can tell, its mostly worry. I don't know how my sister will react, or anyone else for that matter. What will the boys think of Connor and him running away with some girl they just met?

How will they feel realizing that he left because of, me?

Instead of answering his question, I decided to ask one of my own. "Why did you come with me?" I asked, for a while he didn't answer. I guess he was a bit worried about leaving as well, "Connor?" I snapped him out of his silence. "I came because I wanted to be with you." He replied, sounding pretty confident.

"Is that really the reason?" I nagged at his answer a bit more. He sighed quietly and nodded, not speaking. I guess he's sticking with that answer, not that I'm upset... I just want to make sure that he actually wants to go. I look ahead and see the sun setting, slowly being swallowed by the beautiful land. "Why don't we stop at a house or something? I'm getting kinda tired." He insisted, I agreed and we soon found a small house that had 2 bedrooms. I can't we would really need 2 bedrooms though, considering we had to alternate watching for flesh addicts.

"I'll take first watch." I smiled, knowing that he would want some rest. He deserved it, leaving with me was a big move on his end. I can only imagine what's running through his mind right now. Who knows? Maybe he feels regret, and he was lying.

He kisses me softly and walks to the bedroom, leaving me standing in the dusty living room. The chipped cream-coloured paint, covered the room, underneath me was a creaky hard-wood floor. I looked around to see pictures hung on most of the walls, some pictures however were on the floor, the frame broken and the glass smashed.

The people in the pictures looked so happy, reminded me of myself before my life turned into a shit hole. Seeing them made me sad, the little girl with her fragile arms wrapped around, I'm assuming, her mothers waist. Another picture showed the same little girl with a man, I'm guessing her father.

I missed my parents, more then I ever thought I would.

Even thought they left, I still love them. I can't help it though, I mean they are my parents. I'm sure they didn't want to leave, but when it comes down to it, they were just looking out for themselves. True, it is selfish to leave your 2 daughters behind, but I can't help but think it was more then just for themselves.

It doesn't matter though. I just miss them. My mom, my dad. They were the closest things I had, now I have my sister. Actually, I don't even have her anymore. I have Connor, no one but Connor.


Short chapter ik....

I'm really sorry.

I have a bit of writers block though :(

Next chapter should be better though :)

Have a beautiful day you guys.

I love you all


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