Chapter 22

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Paisley's POV


I lay in bed, my legs intertwined with Kian's, both of us cuddling close together. His warmth causing me to feel safe and content. A smile spreads across my face as I open my eyes to see him sleeping peacefully, light snores coming from him. "Kiki.. wake up boo." I whisper, kissing his nose lightly. He peeks one eye open and smiles, then closing his eyes and pretending to still be asleep. "I saw that." I giggle, he smiles brighter and opens his eyes once more. Keeping them open, staring into mine, I grin and kiss him softly. His lips were soft and seemed to fit mine perfectly. "To think that when we first met, you pretty much hated me." he laughs a bit, now that I think about it, I suppose I did. I'm not quite sure why to be honest, I guess I just didn't know him well enough at the time. "It's a good thing you warmed up to me, or else I wouldn't be able to hold you like I am, or kiss you like this." He placed his lips on mine, smiling through out our kiss. The kiss got a little more heated so, I pulled away. "Not right now." I state, he pouts and I roll my eyes. "Listen here, just because we are together doesn't mean that I'm gonna go around sleeping with you. I'm not really ready to go that far." I explain to him, "Alright, Alright. We'll work our way there?" he questions. I smile, "Definitely." I encourage the idea.

I crawl out of bed only to be pulled back in, "Stay and cuddle." I smile, "alright, only for a little bit though." He nods, pulling me close to him. We lay together in bed until I decide that I HAVE to get up, "You coming?" I ask him as I finally get out of bed and stretch. I turn back to see him fully asleep, snoring quietly. I giggle as I leave the room, he was pretty adorable. I walk to the living room to see Erin and Riley talking, now, instead of walking straight to them. I hide. And listen. I know, its kinda wromg of me but, I can't help it!

Curiosity got the best of me. "Anyways.. I just wanted your opinion." Erin finishes, Riley smiles and hugs her. "Anytime." That's when I decide to walk in, "Whatcha guys talking about?" I ask, curious as always. "Nothing." Erin answers immediately, nervousness in her voice. "Tell me." I demand, I have to know. Now. Curiosity is completely taking me over. "It's nothing!" She insists, I know that she's hiding something. I know her.

Riley stands up and pulls me aside, "Listen. She doesn't want to talk about it. She's kinda scared.." Riley informs me, "Oh." Is the only thing that left my mouth, "Well she didn't seem so scared to tell you.." I point out. "Shes scared you'll be mad.. I'm not sure why.. She should know that she can trust you." She explains. Riley turns to Erin giving her a 'look', Erin simply nods. That's when Riley explained everything to me.

I really don't understand why she was so nervous, of course I wasn't really happy when she told me. I wasn't going to flip shit on her though, I learned not to do that. It'll only make things worse, I don't want her running away. "Its ok, You could've told me.." I hug Erin lightly. "I didn't want you to be mad, besides, I don't know what to do.. He wants to.." She whispers.

"You ladies alright?" Sam himself asks, as he walks downstairs. "Oh, uhm. Yep. We're good. All good." Riley assures him, he nods and walks over to us. Pulling Erin aside and wrapping his arms around her, whispering something. I couldn't quite hear what he had whispered though,"Okay.." She said as she pulled away. Giving him a short, sweet kiss, I oddly didn't mind. "What did he say?!" Riley squeels, "he said that he heard what we were talking about.. And that he wasn't gonna force me to do anything I didn't want to." She smiled shyly, "Well I'm glad you two cleared that up, all good?" I wanted to make sure one last time. "Yep!" She replied. I sighed and sat on the couch, sitting back and watching TV. Erin makes her way upstairs and Riley leaves, going out to the backyard. I'm assuming Riley wanted to say some words to Jordyn and Erin, well, not sure why she went back upstairs.


Short chapter ik.

Sorry guys, haven't been in the writing mood lately.

Love you all!!

Happy new years eve by the way!


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