Chapter 17

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Erin's POV


I hear violent sobs coming from the kitchen.

I spring to my feet and bolt into the kitchen where my eyes grow wide and my jaw drops. Her cut arm went from healing to turning for the worst, blood oozed out making me gag the slightest bit. "Oh my god, Jordyn." My eyes watered, tears spilling out. I wanted to know why the fuck her arm was affecting her now? Shouldn't it have happened sooner? I just want her to be ok. "Help me.." She whimpered, looking from me to Jc. "Its ok." He tried to calm her down, his own voice was quite shaky and unstable. My hand covers my mouth, terrified and over all confused about what to do. All I could think of was to yell for everyone else, there ought to be at least one person who will know what to do. I screamed violently for everyone, Sam was the first to rush into the kitchen. I simply pointed to Jordyn and continued to let my tears stream down my pale face. Jc looked so hurt and scared, what if this was the end? I want to know what's wrong with her arm in the first place!

We scramble around the dusty kitchen looking for new bandages and some cream to help sooth the pain. "It hurts.." She screamed again, a flood of tears escaping her eyes. Jc held her, rocking her back and forth lightly, being very caution of her arm. I dug through my bag and eventually found a small amount of gauze and medical tape. It would have to do for now. I scurried over, replacing her bandages and trying to calm her down. She was like a bomb, no one knew that she was counting down and she eventually exploded. My mind still can't comprehend that this is happening. I just don't get it. All she did was cut her arm on one of the corn stalks... RIGHT?! I went blank, tuning everyone out, now realizing the obvious. The corn didn't cut her, the zombies did. My sadness was soon mixed with pure hatred and anger. Those fucking zombies are the reason that this happened. They're the ones who have turned my life into a complete shit back.

I pushed my anger aside and regained my focus on Jordyn and situation at hand. "Am I dying?" Her words came out more of a sob then a question. The words stung, mainly because I couldn't answer that. The truth was, I didn't know whether she was dying or not, that broke my heart. She was terrified and there was nothing I could do, "Shhhh. Calm down.." I rubbed her back soothingly, she gripped my free hand tightly. "Its going to be ok.. Just relax and take deep breaths." I directed, she followed my steps and soon managed to calm down a bit. Her breathing was still heavy but her tears were stopped, "What is happening to me?..." She looked up at me, water glistened in her eyes, leaving me feeling awful about what was happening. For all I know, she could be dying or worse.. Turning into one of.. Them. I shook the idea away and just continued to rub her back. Once everyone was settled down, the house returned to its normal peacefulness. "Are you s-sure I'll be ok?" She asked once again, I didn't really know the truthful answer so I just answered with "of course."

I guess her emotions tired her out because before I knew it she was passed out on the couch. I stroked her hair calmingly, "I'll do all that I can." I whisper, tears threatened to fall but I held them back. All I know is that I won't be leaving her side.

"Hey.." Sam quietly whispers with an awkward smile. He takes a seat next to me and I manage to pull off a half smile, "Hi." His rosy cheeks causing me to smile a bit bigger. "You have a beautiful smile." He stated, staring down my lips. My cheeks grow pink, "Thank you... We're still just friends though." I giggle a bit when I notice his pout. He seems to put me in some trance when I'm around him, I can go from serious to giggly in an instant. Out of no where his smile turned to a frown, his happy vibe turned sad. I was confused why though, "Why are you suddenly upset?" I asked, curious. "Nothing.." He mumbled managing to pull off a smile that was obviously fake. "As long as you are sure.." I told him, wrapping my arms around him tightly. "If you need to talk just ask." I whispered to him, he pulled away and kissed my cheek. A warm blush grew on my face, I sensed a small smirk on his face. "Proud you've made me blush?" I laugh a bit, "Very." He kissed my cheek once more then went upstairs.

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