Chapter 29

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Erin's POV

I was laying across the couch when I heard sniffling coming from the stairs, when I looked to see who it was, I saw Riley. Her eyes were red, and it was as if she had been crying before. "Hey Ri?" I call. Her head shoots up and she looked at me.

"Yeah?" She sniffles again, I knew she had been crying now.

"You ok?" I didn't know how she was going to answer. Sometimes she would open up to me, but other times she would just hide her feelings.

"Uh-.. Yeah. I think I'm going to be ok." Her expression was reassuring however her voice was telling a different story. I held myself back and didn't ask any more questions. Sometimes having time alone is all that you need. I didn't want to aggravate her either by asking a shit ton of questions, normally I was the opposite. I returned my attention to the book in my hand, don't get me wrong I love t.v. but I actually enjoyed reading too. As a matter of fact when I found some books in one of the old cabinets I was more than happy.

"Talk to meeeeeeeeeeee." Sam begged, I rolled my eyes and continued reading. "Pleaseeeeeeee." I let out a frustrated groan.

"Samuel stop it, I'm trying to read." I'm not really sure why I decided to call him by his full name, I guess it just suited at the time? He quieted down, for a few minutes that is.

"Erin.." he tugged at my arm.

"What?! What is so important that you had to interrupt me?" I hiss, he looked taken back a bit. "I'm sorry. What would you like?" I ask, a lot kinder this time.

He sighs, "I don't know, to spend time with you." I book my book mark on the page and close the book.

"Fine, what do you suggest we do?" I reply, looking at him, I raise an eyebrow.

"I don't know..." he trails off. Oh for fucks sake. "We could cuddle, or watch a movie?" He throws out the ideas.

"Okay Sam," I answer, trying to sound a little more 'enthusiastic' rather then bitchy. "We can go upstairs and cuddle I suppose." I tell him. He nods and we make our way up to our room.

"Have fun you two." Connor yells to us, I look down at him and he winks. I shake my head and walk to the room. As if I'd be interested in doing that.

"Use protection!" I can here Trevor scream at us from the living room. I was going to kick somebody's ass in a minute here.

"Don't be too loud!" Ricky adds in, I clench my fists, trying not to lose it. They need to stop. Obviously they don't realize that we aren't doing that anytime soon.

"Sooo..." Sam's voice echoes through our room.

"Jesus, is that really the reason you were bugging me?" I question, becoming slightly irritated.

"Well, I'm not against having sex.. I don't know about you but I'm open to the idea." I was going to flip in about 3 seconds. He's knows fully well that I don't want to. When was he going to leave me alone about this? Is this the only thing he cared about? Jesus Christ. Whatever.

"I don't know.. if that's such a good idea Sam.." I protest. Not that he cared what my opinion was. "What will it take for you to leave me alone about this entire subject?" He sighed. He knew perfectly well that if he kept bugging me, there was no chance in hell it was ever going to happen. "You know what? Forget it. If you can't understand that I simply don't want to have sex then I think I need some time alone." My voice got loud. I then left the room and ran to Paisley's room, slamming the door behind me. I'm sure they wouldn't mind me hanging out in here until they get home. I just need some time away from that boy, he's been driving me insane and I can't take it anymore.

"Erin?.." His voice was on the other side of the door. I stayed quiet. Hopefully he would get the idea that I didn't want to speak to him right now. After that he didn't say anything else, in fact I could've sworn I heard him walk away. Thankfully I now had some time to myself which was a relief. I lay back on Kian and Paisley's bed, finally getting the peace and quiet that I needed.

"Why will he not just leave me alone? I'm starting to remember why I never used to like him like I do now.." I mutter to myself, whispering profanities through out the room. Soon I was just left to my thoughts, that was until Kian and Pais got home.

"Erin? What are you doing in here?" Kian asked, laughing a bit.

"I can't take it anymore. Can you please talk to him?! Tell him I don't want to do that?! Jesus Christ!!" I shout, leaving the room, leaving Kian and Paisley in a confused state. I start to mumble to myself again, pacing up and down the hallway. "He has asked me one too many times. How long is he going to keep this up for? Until I finally give in?" I whisper, entering my own room. Surprised to see that Sam was no longer upstairs. It was nice knowing that I got the room to myself for a while. I flopped back onto the bed, crossing my arms and closing my eyes, letting out a breath.


Shorter chapter, I'm sorry :((

I just got lazy with this chapter XD Sorry you guys.

Next chapter will be longer, I swear.

Love you all <3


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