Chapter 16

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Paisley's POV
I woke up next to Kian. Of course. Every night when I go to bed, I'm alway alone but, when I wake up he is always next to me, true he is nice and all, I just find it some what irritating when he sneaks into my bed.  

I slid out of the bed and strecthed my arms before making my way downstairs. Once reaching the bottom of the stairs I was greeted, happily by Jordyn and Riley. It seemed they were forcing the over confident smiles on their faces. I ignored my thoughts as I went to the kitchen and grabbed something small to consume, "Goodmorning." Kian's raspy morning voice spoke. "Morning," I reply quietly, still trying to wake up completely. Let's just say that I am NOT a morning person. Before I realize it, everyone is suddenly awake. They all greet me with lazy and tired 'Goodmorning's. I simply nod and enjoy the rest of silence that was contained in the small house, "So what are we all doing today? I mean, we all know that we are staying in this house for quite a bit so we might as well find something to do, right?" Jc speaks up, yawning rather loudly. 

Everyone shruggs their shoulders except for Connor, he leans in and whispers something to Riley. Her face lights up red and she giggles a bit, something tells me I know exactly what he whispered to her. "Riley? A word?" I ask, pointing to the porch. She looks at me a bit confused but, sooon joins me out onto the porch. A cold breeze hits my bare arms sending a chill through out my body, "I'm sorry for everything that's happened. I want to let you know that I except you and Connor...." my voice trails of as I sigh quietly. "However, that doesn't mean I agree with you two getting too friendly." Her face goes pale and she looks as if she is gonna throw up, "You ok?" I ask, concerned that she might upchuck. "Y-yes. About Connor and I getting friendly..." she closes her mouth and looks at the front door. I turn around and see Ricky standing there, "You girls alright?" he questions. We both nod then Riley goes inside, followed by Ricky. I'm curious to know what she was going to say, she better hope it's not what I think. I enter the house, anxiously and take a seat on the old, dusty couch. 

I closed my eyes and leaned back on the couch, taking a deep breath and relaxing. About 10 minutes later I feel someone sit next  me, "Hi." It wasn't who I expected it to be. I peek one of my eyes open and look beside me to see, surprisingly, Sam.  "So...." he starts, "Yes?" I reply. "Well. What's going on between you and Kian?" he asks, Kian was obviously eavesdropping from the kitchen. I groan, "Nothing. He's a nice friend but, nothing more. Sorry Ki!" I laugh as I shout the last part towards the kitchen. I hear a "Damn." come from the other room and I laugh a bit, this must be how Erin feels when Sam bugs her. I hop off the couch and run upstairs, getting dressed and prepared for my day of absolutely nothing. I jog downstairs, and flop back down on the couch. "You wanna go for a walk beautiful?" A familiar voice asks, "Sure. Why not." I quickly grab my gun and so does he, we leave with out even saying good bye. 

The first few minutes were pretty quiet, and actually kinda peaceful. With out hesiitation he grabs my hand and holds it softly in mine, for some strange reason I don't take it back. I let my hand rest in his, it felt kinda right. Not in a sense that I was gonna kiss him right there or anything but, it did feel sorta nice. "Can I ask you something?" my voice broke the silence that we had shared, "Of course you can." he replied sweetly, squeezing my hand a bit tighter. "How come you always sleep in my bed?" I ask, laughing a bit to clear the awkwardness. "I don't know actually, it feels right I guess. Kinda like this does." he held up both of our hands intertwined. "Oh." was all I replied with, not thinking of the right words to say. When I take the time to think about it, I really don't understand why I won't go out with him. I guess my mind is telling me one thing but, my heart is telling me another.


Jordyn's POV


The fact that I know I'm dying hurts.

I was lying in bed, thinking about everythings that's happened since we met the boys and I was even thinking of things that happened before that. Like my life before the Zombie apocolypse. I was in grade 11, I remember I had a best friend named Alexis. I told her everything, there wasn't one thing about met that she didn't already know. I could trust her with absolutely anything. I remember we noth had this huge crush on this one guy named Jason. He was in garde 12 though and never really noticed us. We both moved on though, obviously realizing that we would find someone else who actually knew that we existed. I know now that, that's Jc. I wish I could've told her, I wish that I could've introduced her to him. I know that they would've gotten along.  Alexis moved though, she was so far. Instead of staying friends like we had planned we almost instantly stopped talking. That's when Riley, Erin and Paisley came along. They are all I have that feel like family. I miss my family. My brother, my mother and my father. Right now.... Life is a pain in the ass but, there's no way around it.

Arms wrapped around me before I even realized that someone had jopined me. I knew who it was so I didn't freak out or anything, I simply stayed quiet and let his warmth cover my body. I sighed and cuddled closer into him, "You alright?" he asks nicely, I nod and then speak. "I guess. Stressed and feeling a little down but, I'll be ok." I flip over so I'm now facing him. My eyes are locked with his, "You have the most gorgeous eyes Jordyn." he tells me, I smile at him. "Thank you." he brings his lips to mine and I instantly kiss back, a smile growing on my lips. I pull away and play with his hair, "Fluff." I mumble. running my hands through his hair once more. He laughs kisses my nose, I giggle and kiss his nose in return. After that it was silence again, we had nothing left to talk about. Other then the fact that I was dying but, I wasn't ready to tell him that I could be gone soon. I don't want to put him through that. We just got together and I wasn't going to ruin that. I know it's wrong if I don't tell him but, I will eventually. I open my eyes and see that he had fallen asleep with me in his arms, I felt safe here. It's hard to believe that so much has changed in the past few months. It feels like yesterday that all I felt towards the biys was pure hatred. They've all definitly grown on me since the start, I no longer hatethem as you can probably tell. I thnk they've grown on all us girls actually, Erin doesn't seem to hate Sam as much aha. Paisley and Kian get along as far as I know and Riley and Connor, well, they obviously like each other. Then there's me and Jc. God this boy has went from being my nothing to being my everything. 

I kiss him softly then slide out of the bed quietly making my way downatsirs, I needed something to eat since I skipped breakfast. I reached up and grabbed the box of cereal that was on the top shelf. My arm stung once I set the box down, holy shit it burned. I knew exactly what it was though. My terrible mood took a turn down hill, not really sure how I could've managed to become even more upset then what I already was. I held my arm tightly, the pain becoming worse. "Fuck." I hissed as I realized my injury started to bleed. I tried to stay quiet so no one would notice, I luckily accomplished that. Tears started to blur my vision, all my emotions rising up again. "Shit.." The bleeding started to grow heavier and I didn't know what I was gonna do. It hurt like a bitch. Was I dying already? If not, then how much longer do I have until my days are over? What do I do now? Let myself die? 

"Jordyn?" my head shot up and I stared at the other side of the room. "Oh my god." his voice was shaky once he caught a glimpse of my arm. Shit.


Hey beauties!

Bit of a cliffhanger :P

Hope you all liked this chapter! I actaully enjoyed how this turned out.

Anyways, love you all!!


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