Chapter 10

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Paisley's POV


"Are they ok?" I wonder, trying to decide whether or not we should follow them into the dark, deepening forest. It can't be that big of a forest, I'm sure.

"Hey Trev?" I ask, his head turns quickly, now his eyes are locked with mine. "Can you go check on them, please?" I ask politely, the first time I've actually needed to. "S-sure." His cheeks lit up a brilliant red. Awe. It was sweet how he got all shy when I talked to him, I mean I will never like him in that way but, its still sweet. We see him run over quietly, peeking through some of the trees he takes a few steps in. Anxiousness hits me, I'm so curious to know why they haven't come out by now. Especially considering that Riley and Connor were alone. I don't want them together, mainly because I want her to focus on herself and herself only. No one else. Her survival should be the only thing that matters to her, not flirting around.

I sigh, "I'm sure they're fine Pais, calm down." I close my eyes, holding back tears. No one has called me 'Pais' other then my dad, I missed him more then anything. He was so important to me, I couldn't have imagined a better father. I can only wish that he had survived, but when the apocolypse struck I knew that not everyone I loved was going to last. I had gotten over it but, every once in a while... The emotions hit me. "Yea. I hope." I take a deep breath and smile at Ricky, for trying to make me feel better.

"Why is Trevor taking so long?" I asked, frustrated by the situation at hand. What if Riley got hurt? Is she ok? Why haven't they come out? Millions of explanations, yet I'm expecting the worst. I always expect the worst, I don't know why. I take a deep breath, and wait a bit longer before stomping over there myself to see where the hell they all are, I'm distracted by an on-coming Zombie. "Kian!" I scream, seeing that it was about to attack him.

I don't know how we didn't hear it beforen I guess we were all distracted. He turns around quickly and with no hesitation has a knife inside of the walking dead. He stabs impales it repeatedly until it falls to the ground. I start to worry more now, if there is one Zombie, then there's bound to be more. My stomached ached, I get this way whenever my emotions get the best of me. My face grows with relief as I see Connor, Riley and Trevor appear out of the woods. Now its time for me to smack the shit out of her, "Where the fuck were you guys!" I screamed, I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry. We got.. Lost.." She explained, a bit of nerve hidden in her voice. I knew that wasn't the truth.

No time to worry about what really happened. I'm just glad she is ok! "You scared the shit out of me." I place my hand over my heart, glad that she returned in injured. "We should probably head back home now...." Jordyn spoke up. I was pretty tired so I agreed and we all started to walk back to the house, "So what really happened?" I asked in a whisper as I dragged Riley up ahead so no one else could butt in on our conversation. "I told you. We got lost." I could hear the lie behind her words, "You sure?" I asked one more time, seeing if she would slip up.

"Positive." She answered the same, "I'm glad you are ok." I spoke sweetly, giving her a little side huh. We soon reached the house and I flopped down onto the couch, "Sorry Ricky." I laughed a bit as he saw me laying in his usual spot where he slept, he rolled his eyes and sat on the floor. "Shall we see if the TV is working?" Erin suggested, "Go ahead. I could use a little television myself." She walked over and clicked the power button, and click on came the TV. Thank fuck! For once, something is going right! I smile a bit as I focus my eyes to the TV, before I could even recognize what was playing I dozed off into sleep. It was peaceful. A sleep that I hadn't been able to enjoy since the world was normal, not so fucked up.

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