Chapter 33 (last chapter)

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Riley's POV


I woke up the next morning, peacefully. That was until I remebered all of last night, I moved my body closer to Connor, cuddling him. "Wake up." I whispered, I assumed that the boys would want to get up and search for Ricky right away. "Con," I kissed him lightly, "Wake up baby." His body shifted a bit and he woke up quietly.

"Okay, okay, I'm awake." He wrapped his arms around me lazily.

"We better get up and leave soon." I reminded him, he nodded and I could see his morning smile turn into a frown. I hated to remind him, I had to admit that it was as if I had forgotten that we were looking in the first place. "Come on." I slid out of the bed and held out my arms, waiting for him to reach out and grab my hands.

"Everybody up!" Connor yells, soon everyone enters the hallways and joins us. Each of us look at one another, some more tired looking than others.

"We should all get looking for him." Kian's voice was serious yet calm. He sounded completely wide awake, With those words, we all got dressed and finished our 'morning routines'. "I guess y'all can pick your 'teams' today." Kian told us. I nodded and so did the rest of us, it's pretty obvious who went with who. Kian and Paisley, Sam and Erin, Jc and Trevor and then Connor and I. Not that it was much of a surprise. We all left the house and each split up, Connor and I chose South today. I was hoping that we would have some luck and find Ricky today, I couldn't stand not having Ricky in the house anymore. I missed him.

We kept moving, instead of running we decided to walk. "Do you think that we might find him today?" I asked, trying to start a conversation. Silence was nice, however at the moment I would much rather have some sort of communication going.

"Well I hope. If not, then I don't know what else we'll do. There really isn't any other choice, but to stop looking if we don't find him today." He answered. It made me sad to see him losing faith, I had hoped that we wouldn't come to giving up. We'll find him. I know we will, I thought to myself.

We moved forward, returning to the silence. About an hour had gone by and we had seen no sign of Ricky anywhere, by now I thought there may have been at least some sort of clue as to where he had gone. I suppose he could have taken another route, West, North, or East. The sun was in the centre of the sky so I assumed that it was around noon, I figured we still had a lot of time to search. Groaning and moaning was heard from a little ahead of us, I immediately help up my knife and looked around for what I expected to be Zombies. I was wrong.

*Paisley's POV*
Kian and I walked along, quietly glancing over at each other once in a while. "When should we start heading back?" I look up at the sky, it was still light out however I wanted to be back before sunset. It's not good to be out late at night, that's when the Zombie's decide to roam around most.

"Soon. Just a few more minutes." He promised. I strolled along, softly grabbing his hand. It didn't take long for me to realize that we would be searching for more than just 'a few minutes'. I was kind of glad in a way, looking for Ricky was important and I shouldn't have suggested going home so early. Possibly one of the other groups found him though, we wouldn't want to keep them waiting. Minutes turned into hours, he finally decided to head home. "We can continue in the morning." He declared.

"Of course." I kissed him sincerely and started to walk back to the house. God let Ricky be there, I hope he would be there. If not then I will have run out of ideas, what else would we do? If we don't find him then I'm pretty sure he must have made it pretty far out of town. Kian and I got home quicker then usual, I wasn't sure if I had been the one walking fast, or if it had been him. The second we walked in the door, I was tackled by Riley. She had tears in her eyes and an odd smile across her face.

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