Chapter 25

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Paisley's POV


I woke up, my stomach turned quickly. I shot up from bed and ran to the bathroom, vomiting only seconds later, I heard a chuckle come from the bathroom door way. "Little too much to drink?" Erin asked, giving me a grin. I rolled my eyes at her, "Shut the fuck up." She laughed even more. I knew she was kidding around, but I still didn't appreciate the fact that she was laughing at my vomit. Not a pleasent feeling. "Sorry." she apologizes, her grin remains. She didn't mean that apology for shit. Not that I mind, after all I'm never sorry. "Whatever." I rinse my mouth out, a sick taste still lingered in my mouth. Fucking gross. I look back at the doorway and see that Erin is no longer standing there. I stumble down the stairs, feeling nauseous as ever. I shouldn't have drank so much last night, it's no wonder why I'm feeling so sick. "Morning sunshine." Kian smiles at me, wrapping his arm around my waist, engulfing me into a side hug. "Morning." I mumble, his smile remains. He was pretty fucking adorable. "Last night sure was.. Fun." he whispers into my ear. What exactly happened last night? I can't seem to remember anything past the point of truth or dare. I give him a questioning look and he smirks, making me worry immensely. "Kian, we didn't..?" I whisper back to him. He continues to stare into my eyes, a grin taking over his lips. My god. We didn't have sex did we? No, no, no, no. This could not have happened. "Kian.." I repeat his name. He chuckles, "Relax babe, I'm just joking around. Nothing happened. We pretty much fell asleep as soon as we got upstairs." I nearly punch his teeth in. He scared the shit out of me. I hit him in the arm, "Ow!" he laughs, "Scared the living shit about me." he laughs more, making me smile the slightest bit. I roll my eyes at him playfully. "Why? What did you think we did...?" he smirks, moving closer to me. I raise an eyebrow, "Do I need to explain what I had in mind?" I ask sarcastically. He chuckles and kisses my cheek softly then makes his way to the kitchen.

I take a seat on the couch, soon joined by everyone else. "Why the fuck wouldn't anyone warn me about the after mass of alcohol?" Trevor groans, holding his stomach tightly. "My head kills." Jc complains. "You drank?!" I ask, panicked. Imagine him drunk, knowing what he could've done scares the shit out of me, he killed one of my best friends! It's possible that with the right amount of drinks he could've hurt any one of us. "Uh, yea.." he admits. Easier then I thought, I was sure he was going to lie. If I were him I wouldn't want to piss us off anymore then he already has in the past week. "I'm sorry.." he tells me, I can hear the sincerity in his voice. "And I'm sorry to you as well.." he looks at Trevor. Why is he apologizing to Trevor? "For what?" Trev asks curiously. "We kissed." The room went completely silent. Not even kidding, you couldn't even hear us breath. The entire room froze. A look of terror crossed Trevor's face. I can see why, the fact that Jc knew about the kiss is what disturbs me. You'd think he wouldn't have kissed Trev in the first place, knowing he was aware of the situation. "I have no idea why we did. It sorta just... Happened." Jc tries to apologize. Not that it made a difference. With out warning, I hear subtle laughs come from around the room. I have to admit, this was sort of amusing, the look at both of their faces, they were was priceless. "I-I really am sorry Trevor." Jc told him once more, "We, Kissed?" Trev wanted to clarify once more. "Yep.." Jc let out a sigh. At this point, almost everyone except those two were bursting into laughter. Kian was on the ground, it didn't take long for the rest of us to join him. "Oh my god, you two kissed. The look on Trevor's face." Riley was literally crying. Laughter erupted through out the house, leaving us all breathless. After all of us ended our laughing fit, the look of horror vanished from Trevor's face, if I saw correctly, I swore I saw a hinted blush on his cheeks.

"We should probably clean up." Erin suggests, pointing to all of the empty cans and bottles of alcohol. "I have a better idea.." Kian speaks up, a small smile on his lips. Before any of us knew if we were outside. Sudden groans and moans came from down the road, zombies. He grabbed a beer bottle and threw it as hard as he could. Smash. Not only did the bottle break, the living dead fell to the ground. After throwing the bottle he grabbed another one, motioning for the rest of us to grab one ourselves. Which we did. Smashing the zombies with them, after a while I started to feel sick. Not like a puking suck, rather a guilty sick. We were now just brutally killing the people who never got to live out the rest of their lives, all because if this sick desease. We were tormenting them, putting them through more pain then had already suffered. Guilt washed over me, sending me bolting into the house and upstairs to my room. I slammed the door, holding my stomach tightly. A couple tears falling down my cheeks, I can't believe I never realized what we were doing until now. Sure, we have to kill them to stay alive, but did we really need to be that sick? Smashing them with beer bottles? We were practically mocking them, showing them that they were too weak.

How could I have not seen this before, the reality of murdering someone who is already dead? "Why am I here...?" I mumble to myself, "Putting people through more pain. Pain that I felt as if I've gone through..." My mind speaks its own words, no control over my mouth. "Baby what's wrong?" A frightened kian bangs on the door. I jumped slightly, "please let me in." He tells me, "o-ok." I open the door and he engulfs me in a sweet hug. "Why are you crying?" He asks, patting my back softly. "I don't know. I feel guilty. Awful. Putting those poor people through the pain, losing Jordyn. I don't know what to do." A few more tears slip down my pale cheeks as he ricks me back and forth gently. It was soothing, didn't take away any of my guilt though. "You're going to be okay. I promise you. I'm right here, you can always talk to me. Tell you what, we'll stop it with the beer bottles, but Pais we can't just let them live..." He explained. I nodded, keeping my words hushed. "Okay, I'll tell them to stop." He assured me, I looked up at him and kissed his lips softly. He missed back, smiling slightly. I couldn't help but smile back, his smile brightened up my world. I loved that about him. His smile.


Hey! I'm so so sorry I haven't updated in so long!

I've been pretty busy and not feeling quite like myself..

Anyways, I'm back!

I love you guys!!!


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