Chapter 23

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Erin's POV


I flopped down onto the bed next to Sam, groaning in the process. "There's absolutely nothing. To. Do." I complain, "I know babe." Sam chuckles, playing with my hair. "Then we should do something.." I start, I look up at him and see a devilish smirk. "Not that.." I giggle, he pouts but, nods as well. I smile at him and kiss corner of his jaw, he smiles back at me and closes his eyes. I do the same, drifting off before being waken back to reality. "So.. Uhm. When do you think you'll, be ready? You know. For uhm.." He coughs awkwardley. My eyes bust open, "Well, u-uhm. Not really sure. Uh." The sense of awkward just continued to grow. "I've never done it before to be honest.." He smirks, "I'd be happy to be your first.." I roll my eyes at him and laugh a bit. "I'm sure you would be happy to bang me, but not until I think the time is right." He gives a small pout, groaning quietly. I kinda felt bad for making him wait, I just wasn't interested in doing that sort of thing. "We can do anything but that." I tell him, closing my eyes once again. He doesn't say anything so, I just lay there in silence. Leaving myself to my thoughts, I try not to think of the previous conversation. I run my hands through my hair, sighing shortly. My mind travelled to Jordyn, she was all that I was thinking about now. I missed her a lot, I can't help but wonder what's gonna happen between us girls. I'm sure we aren't going to split up or anything it just seems so different with out Jordyn here.

"I'm gonna go for a shower." I blurt out, "Alright." I open my eyes to see Sam, a cheeky smile on his face. I kiss him gently then get up and make my way to the small bathroom. I grab a towel and set it on the closed toilet seat lid, then I strip and get in. "Baby listen please... I'm not on drugs, I'm not on drugs. I'm just in love.." I sing softly, letting the warm water hit my skin. I finish my relaxing shower then get out and wrap myself in a towel. Fuck. I didn't bring any clean clothes, damn it! As soon as I open the door, I get hit with a cold breeze, Sending chills down my spine. I hold my towel around me tightly, goosebumps trailing up my arm. "Sam.. Close your eyes." I order, as I walk into the room. I hold the towel up, not letting it slip the slightest bit. Turning around I can see Sam peeking between his fingers that were held over his eyes. "Sam! Cover your fucking eyes!" I demand, he groans again, covering his eyes completely. "Good." I mutter, fishing my clothes out of the old dresser placed in the corner of the room. I take out a bra and underwear, slipping them on as quick as I could. Next I put on a pair of jeans and a tank top, "Ok, you can look." I inform him. I turn and he smiles at me with his eyes already uncovered, that was fast.

"If you were looking I swear." I spoke. "Relax!! I didn't look!" he laughs a bit, making my nerves edge down. I fucking hate my body, that's part of the reason I don't want him seeing me unclothed. Besides, I just feel uncomfortable with out clothes on, I think it's gross. That's just my opinion though, I understand he would have no problem seeing me naked. I brush my hair out, then climb back onto the bed with Sam. "We should go for a walk or something?" I suggest, he nods and gets up out of the bed. I get up as well and make my way downstairs, "Where you two headed?" Ricky asks. Now thinking about it, Ricky kinda felt like an older brother. He seemed almost protective when he asked where we were going. "Just for a walk, don't worry." I state, smiling at him happily. He gives me a cheery look and that's when me and Sam head out for our walk (Grabbing our weapons of course. duh.). I make sure my gun is loaded and ready to use incase we suddenly get swarmed by zombies. I look around, staring at the old cracked buildings, this world was a true mess. Our once simple world completely turned when no one expected it. Sometimes my mind wanders, going through uncharted zones. Gets pretty sad honestly, thinking too deeply can ruin any mood.

My hand grasps Sam's, "You ok princess?" he asks sweetly. "I don't know honestly, things have changed so quickly. I feel like my world has completely flipped upside down..." I tell him. "Yeah. Things did change pretty fast, but I don't know.. Some things changed for the better." He squeezes my hand a bit tight. I nod, looking around the streets again. I kind of enjoyed this silence, it wasn't awkward or anything. It was the relaxing kind of silence, a silence that I considered wonderful. My mind trailed off, that was until I heard a low growl come from behind us, followed by some sort of twisted noise. I bolt around and hold my gun up to the fowl creature standing before me, it smelled like piss and garbage. I pulled the trigger, the bullet went straight through its head. The first one fell to the ground, "Fucking bastard." I spit, another goes for Sam. I let him handle that one though, as quick as I could blink, the zombie was on the ground, surrounding itself with its own blood. The rotten flesh making me gag, it was repulsive. I hear the one I thought I had killed growl again, I stomp my foot heard into its skull. Hearing the crack, red oozed from the body. My stomach turned, "Fuck." I breathed, holding my stomach tightly. The sight made me want to vomit, I had never really looked closely at the corpses. My stomach turned again, I could feel the puke rise. I swallowed it down. I felt a hand on my back, rubbing circles softly. I took some deep breaths then backed away from the dead bodies. "Lets just go back home. Please.." I glanced back at the corpses. It made me feel sick and upset, to think that those monsters used to be regular humans makes me sad. I fell awful for the people who didn't get to survive. Poor, innocent humans just like the rest of us.

We soon made our way back to the house, I eventually calmed down and stopped that sick feeling that kept passing over. "How you feeling?" Paisley asked as she handed me a glass of water. "Better, I don't know what happened. I just started to feel really sick after shooting it down." I admit, "It's ok. Just take a break for a while. Maybe you've got the flu or something." she assumes. I simply nod, no need to start an argument about not actually having the flu. I lean back on the couch, deeply breathing. It was pretty quiet, until someone suggested something that none of us should've even tried. "It's time to blow off some steam.." Connor set down a case of beer. I groan. This should be a fun night, not. I'm going to bed in a full house with a bunch of drunks. The sad thing is, before I can even attempt to convince anyone not to drink, everyone is opening up a beer. Not only did they finish the alcohol in probably under a minute, they were all going for seconds. I turn towards the stairs to see Jc stumble downstairs. I was kinda scared at first, he wasn't armed with a gun or anything so I was come what relieved. "Everyone's getting drunk.." I inform him quietly. He just nods and stays quiet, I can't believe I actually talked to him. I shouldn't have. There is no way in hell I would ever forgive him anytime soon, why should I? He shot my fucking best friend for fuck sakes. I shake the anger that was rising in me away, returning my focus to the group of people taking drinks. Chugging them down, not a care in the world. "Truth or dare timeee." Someone says, a slur cutting in. "Yaaasssssssss." I could hear Trevor cheer. I sit quietly, not saying a word. "Come one! Play!" Riley encourages me. I sigh and sit in the big circle that they had formed. "Alright you drunks. Who's going first?" I ask, looking at each of them. "Meeeeeeeeeeeeee." Paisley shouts, giggling. By now, I had no idea how many drinks they had each had. This night was going to be interesting.
Hey guys!

Hope you all had an awesome day! Mine was ok I guess :P

Pretty sure there's only one ACTUAL non ass hole guy that's in my class ._.

Anyways, I love you guys! We are so close to 600 reads! That's amazing!

I didn't think anyone was going to read this tbh :')


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