Chapter 11

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Erin's POV


I look ahead to see Jordyn nearly faint. "Are you ok?" I questioned, catching up with her. "Y-yea....." She answered through heavy breathing, I knew she was lying but I also knew she hated to be nagged at about things. "Ok. As long as you are sure." I tell her, returning to the spot where Paisley was standing. "Jordyn isn't doing so well...." I tell her, she stares ahead seeing what the mischevious 16 year old is hiding.

We both notice her stumbling with each pace she takes, now we are positive that something is wrong. "Well, if sh complains then we will take action but for now its best if she doesn't want to be bugged then we leave her alone. She may just be over tired or possibly dehydrated." She stated, causing me to relax yet panic at the same time. "Ok...." I agreed, cautiously keeping an eye on Jordyn until we got to a some what large lake. It was a nice size but definitely not my idea of a nice relaxing bath, I'm gonna have to go quick. I stop at the edge of the water and look out, it really isn't a bad view. This is the most calm I've felt in a while, I liked the feeling.

"I'm going first!" Trevor jumped into the water, before any of us could see him naked. "Oh my god." I couldn't help but laugh. "What if there are fish in the water?" I question. Trevor stops and stays as still as he can, his eyes are wide "Well shit." He whimpered, causing an eruption of laughter from all of us. I turned around snickering to myself, "Wimp." I mumble.

"Who's going next?" Ricky asks, "Me." I answer as quick as I can, unfortunately Riley had answered at the same time. I rolled my eyes, "Rock paper scissors." She demands, holding her fist out. We both laugh a bit, I stick out my fist and we play 3 rounds. "Fuck..." I mumble as I put out Scissors and she puts out rock. "Sorry sis." She giggles, "Yea, yea." I reply. Well I guess I'm waiting.

Trevor demands us to turn around and we all do, once we turn back around he is fully dressed and is attempting to style his hair. "You're up." Connor gives my sister a small wink, I raise an eyebrow and he awkwardly notices. Apparently he didn't want anyone to see that little gesture he threw at Riley! We all turn around and hear a slash, once knowing that she was is the water we were clear. I open my mouth to shout 'I'm next' but unfortunately Sam beats me to it. "Really?" I ask, "Can I pleasssssssssssse go next?" I plead. I just really wanted to be clean, I felt disgusting.

He sighs, "Ok..." A small grin grows on his lips "If, I get a kiss." He tells me. I glare at him, "Is that what its gonna take for you to let me bathe before you?" I ask, knowing the answer already. He nods, confident that I'll plant a kiss on his lips, I take my own hand and kiss it then place my hand on his lips. He never said anything about a real kiss on the lips.

I smirk, "there you go." I giggle a bit, he pouted realizing that he should've clarified what type of kiss he exactly wanted. "Fine..." He groaned, seeming a bit pissed off but soon getting over it, "Turn around." Riley ordered, we all followed orders and she then got changed and shit. "Clear." She spoke up, I took a deep breath. Before I even need to tell anyone to turn around they are all turned around, except for of course. Sam. "Uhm. Sam?" I ask, "You might want to turn around." I told him, not implying it as advice but as a demand. He pouts and turns around, I strip off my clothing and slide into the cold water. I shiver a bit, not seconds after getting into the water Sam's eyes are on me. "Turn the fuck around." I growl, you see I have this thing about my body. Under no circumstances is anyone aloud to see me in dressed, my body is terrible. And I hate it.

He groans, obviously frustrated, he turns around and sturns his hands into fists. What I don't understand is why he wanted to see my in dressed so badly? As a matter if fact, I was curious as to know why he was so fascinated with me in the first place. I'm no different then any other human being so why was he giving me so much attention?

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