Chapter 12

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Paisley's POV


She's gone. She's really gone. The worst part about all of this is that I can't get her back, I can't do anything. When she has her heart set on something, there is no changing her mind.

My heart absolutely broke when I had to watch her leave, why didn't I stop her? I should've just trusted her and let her do what she felt was right, I just... Couldn't... The guilt I felt was like having my heart ripped out, she was one of the only things I had left in my life. I don't wanna have to deal with explaining this to the rest of them either, I don't want to have to even think about what just happened.

Tears brimmed in my eyes as I saw Erin approaching me, followed by Kian. "What's wrong?" She asked sweetly, hugging me gently. I let the tears flow as I struggled to get the right words out, "Riley... She l-left.." I sobbed into Erin's arms. Not wanting to speak anymore, I felt a tear drip onto my shoulder and when I pulled away I saw that Erin was now crying as well. "Sh-she left?..." Her voice cutting out, I nodded letting more tears fall. Before I even realized it, I was no longer in Erin's arms but, instead in Kian's.

I didn't pull away right away, not because I was just to upset but because it felt right. His arms wrapped around me was soothing, I didn't understand. It seemed that yesterday I didn't even want to be near him and suddenly he's hugging me? Something was telling me not to pull away, to stay with him. I finally manage to pull away and I give him a warm smile, telling him 'thank you', I look to see Erin sobbing into her hands as she sits on the ground. Of course Sam is standing there like an idiot, not doing a fucking thing. If he liked her so much then this would be a great time for him to show it, I smacked his arm and pointed to Erin silently. He shrugged his shoulders, then awkwardley sat next to her, "Shhh.... Its alright..." He spoke calmly, trying to stop her crying. Her sobs soon stopped, out of no where she started screaming at him! "This is all your fucking fault! If you and the other boys hadn't fucking followed us then Riley wouldn't have met fucking Connor. Just leave me alone." She stormed off, not telling any of us where she was going.

Sam was pissed. I can understand why though, he was only trying to comfort her and she snapped at him. I can comprehend that she is extremely upset but that is no excuse to snapping at the people who want to help! "I'm sorry......" I said in a whisper, a few more tears flowed, I didn't care by now though. "I'm just done with her." Sam blurted, plainly upset.

This went from being a shitty life to bring an even shittier life. I don't know what's left. Just keep moving on? Difficult to do when one of the people you lobe most is gone. I've lost so many fucking people in my life and I wasn't ready to lose Riley too, none of us were, especially Erin. I can imagine what she's going through, losing the only piece of real family she had left. I sigh as I head to over to Jordyn, she has the right to know as well. "Jordyn?" I ask quietly, she looks up at me, curiosity burning in her eyes. "Yes? W-whats wrong?" Her voice, shaky as ever, she knew something was wrong. "Riley left....." Instead of crying I stand still, leaving silence in the air. No one dares to speak a word until Jordyn beings to wipe tears away from here big brown eyes, seeing her hurt made the pain worse. These girls were the only thing I had left for a family, I was beginning to think that I was going to lose them all. All because I thought I knew what was best, did Riley feel the same way with Connor as I did when I shared an embrace with Kian? I feel worse about what I've done, I thought I was protecting them but really I was just pushing them away.

"Well w-what do we do?" Jordyn asked, pleading to know the answer that I couldn't give. Truth was, I didn't know what to do. I'm lost. I feel so lost in my emotions and thoughts, I couldn't focus on one thing at a time with out being distracted by another. "O-ok. I have an idea. Bare with me." I began to explain what I wanted to do and they all agreed. We've decided that Kian, Trevor, Sam and I will all go search for Riley and Connor. Then Ricky, Jc and jordyn would go look for Erin. "Alright. Move out." I ordered, all I wanted right now was to see Erin and Riley.

This was one big disaster.


Jordyn's POV


We headed off, keeping our speed up as we searched around for Erin. Knowing her she could be anywhere. I took deep breaths and continued to walk, "You ok?" Jc asked. "What do you think?...." I asked quietly, my vision becoming blurry with my own tears. What has my life come too? One minute I'm in high school, crushing on the jock and the next I'm walking down a long dirt road, looking for Erin, and trying to survive from zombies. See how much can change in the blink of an eye?

His hand grasped mine, "Its ok babe. We'll find her." I ripped my hand away from his and picked up my speed, "Not in the mood Jc." I snarled, my sadness turning into anger. My emotions were clumped together and I couldn't tell how I was feeling anymore, sad? Confused? Angry?

My head starting spinning a bit, leaving myself feeling quite dizzy and even nauseous. I could feel the puke arising in my throat, I gaged and ran to the side of the road, hurling up my guts. The world went black as my eyes grew heavier, "Woah- you uhm. Need some help?" Ricky asked, sounding panicked. My throat went extremely dry, it felt like sandpaper. "Water." He grabbed a hold of my arm gently and led me to a convient store, "It'll be ok." He tried to calm me down but it was no use, I was mentally screaming on the inside. "Take care of her. I'll keep watch." Ricky stated, shoving me and Jc inside of the tiny store. I stumbled to the back aisle and grabbed a bottle of water, cracking it open and chugging it down. My throat felt so relieved, I put the cap back on and tossed it aside.

I sat on the floor and leaned against the wall, trying to catch my breath that was suddenly shortened. "I'm... Ok..." I took one last deep breath before returning back to a some what normal state. "You sure babe?" He asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Y-yea.. I think... And would you stop calling me that?" I groaned. He looked at me and bit his lip, "Don't deny that you don't like." He spoke, and with absolutely no hesitation he kissed me. It was a simple and sweet kiss but sadly left me wanting more, a smirk grew across my face. I didn't expect to want more, I didn't want that feeling. Too late now.

I grabbed a hold of his shirt and smashed his lips into mine, now turning this into a full blown make out session. "I told you that you'd fall for me." He smirked, kissing me harder. I bit my bottom lip, letting a small whimper escape my lips. Another smirk crossed his lips, "Fuck me?" He asked, so plainly.

I didn't know how to answer, I mean yes, I did want to kiss him more but... That's doesn't mean I'm ready to have sex with him. To be honest I'm still a virgin, after all I'm only 16. "I d-dont know..." I whispered. "Just do it. Come on... It's now or never...." He spoke, almost convincing me. I signed, "What about Ricky?" I asked. "Don't worry about him. I'll deal with it later." He spoke softly again, leaving me almost fully convinced.

I thought to myself, am I gonna regret this later? What if Paisley finds out? Is he gonna just be a dick and leave after wards?

The only way I would answer any of these questions is if I did it. So I did.

I nodded shyly and he stripped off my shirt, leaving me with just my black bra on. I earned a lip bite from Jc which kinda boosted my confidence, "Jc?" I asked before this went any further. "It's my first time......" I told him shyly, embarrassed. He didn't care. He just continued.

He left small kisses down my neck, ending at the bottom of my neck. A small moan escaped my lips, "Shhhhh." He whispered, "I won't hurt you."



Its so awkward writing this >.<


Hope you are all having a lovely day ^-^

I love you guys!!

We are so close to 200 reads!!


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