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Aru's POV

"I know you and Aru just got into a relationship last week but," Kara started. 

"But what, Kara? Shah and I are near perfect together if not already," Aiden said. I smiled and was about to head into my room when Kara started to talk again. 

"I think you should get back with Ava," Kara blurted out. 

I stopped midstep and heard Aiden scoff. "Kara, she hurt all of us. She also was your dad's apprentice. Does that mean nothing to you?"

"Well, not really get back together with her, but make her think that you are getting back together. It would give us all the chance to see how she may be attached to the Otherworld. She trusted you and told you everything, right?"

I walked into my room slowly. "Yes, Ava was our father's apprentice, Aiden. But Kara, she is still a person! If we are going to find out how she met dad, I'm making sure we aren't playing with her feelings in the process. If we do play with them and she finds out, she will be mad and take it out on all of us."

Kara and Aiden turned towards me. "You were eavesdropping on our conversation?" Kara asked. 

"If you don't want me to, don't talk in my room," I said furiously.

"Aru," Aiden started.

"Get out," I demanded. I pointed at my door. They stared at me. "I said, get out!" Kara left but Aiden just looked at me.

"Why do you care about Ava so much?"

"Aiden, we get to the almost perfect spot in our relationship, and she pops up. If we mess with her feelings, she will ruin us. I'm not letting that happen. But get out of my room, I'm mad."

I walked out of my room to go to the dining room. Mini, Brynne, and Boo were sitting and playing monopoly.

"You owe me $500!" Brynne shouted at Mini.

"You don't even own the property," Mini said politely. 

"Then I will buy it!"

"I own it though!" Boo squeaked. 

"Not anymore." Brynne took the property card and placed it with hers. 

"Excusez-​moi?!" Boo yelled. He flipped over the board. 

I stood and watched Brynne try to tackle Boo out of the air. She turned into a hawk then chased him around the air. 

"Enough!" I yelled. I banged Vajra on the ground, and the lights flickered. 

Brynne transformed into a human and fell out of the air. 

"Sorry, Boo, but I need to talk to Brynne and Mini." Boo looked at me then flew away. "Sit down."

Mini carefully sat down but shot back up. "I forgot to wipe down my seat." She wiped her seat with a Clorox wipe, then sat back down. 

"What's up, Shah?"

"Why do you want Aiden to go back to Ava?" I asked. 

"She shared things with him. We think it's our best shot," Brynne explained. 

"If we toy with her feelings she will ruin my life, even more, Brynne," I said.

She stood up and leaned forward onto the table. "Do you ever think about anyone but yourself?"

"Oh, you're one to talk," I snarked. I quickly covered my mouth. "What I meant to say is, why didn't you ask me to be involved in the plan? We could've come up with something else."

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