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Aru's POV

It was now the middle of November. School had started in the middle of October because of teachers quitting.

Everyone had returned back to their normal life and Aiden had celebrated his sixteenth birthday. He was now old enough to drive, which I thought was pretty cool. His father bought him a car. Aiden was thankful for it but was hurt by the fact that his dad thought that he could just buy his way into Aiden's life. 

Aiden walked into school with his arm around my shoulder. "So, what classes do you have today?" he asked. 

"Something with chemistry and history, I think," I shrugged. "After those two I have lunch, though."

"Sounds cool," he smiled. "I have AP Bio and AP Environmental Science."

"I'm sorry, what?" I laughed

"You know, the advanced placement classes?"

"I get it, Mr. I-Only-Get-A+'s," I teased. He playfully punched me in the arm as the bell rang. "I have to get to history."

"Have fun!" 

I started to head to class when I got an idea. I ran out the front doors and ran as fast as I could back to the museum. My lungs felt as if they were going to collapse by the time I had gotten to Greg. I walked through and I appeared in form of Mini's house. She was one hour behind what we were back in Georgia.

Mini strolled out of her house with her backpack shaped like hand sanitizer ready to go. "Aru! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

"We are skipping," I said doing jazz hands. 

"No. We are not. Leave me out of this. My parents would kill me!"

"Live a little, Mini! Learn to use the dark side of the force!" 

"What force?"

"Stop ruining my Star Wars quote. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."

"Stop quoting movies! Except for Lord of the Rings. They have some cool things," Mini gave in. 

"Does this mean we are skipping?" I asked. 

"As long as my parents don't find out."

"Yes! Let's go get Brynne!" We ran through another portal and landed back in front of the museum. Kara was standing there with her arms crossed. 

"What are you two doing?"

"Um- I-" I stumbled. 

"Aru is making me skip!" Mini yelled. 

I slapped my hand over Mini's mouth. "You can't trust a word that comes out of her mouth," I laughed, scratching the back of my neck. 

Mini pulled my hand away. "Do you know how many germs are on a hand?! Over two million.  And you just put them near my mouth!" Mini freaked out. "I knew this was a terrible idea! I am calling my mom and telling her everything!"

"We can go see Rudy," I said. 

She stopped talking. "Ok, fine."

"Kara, you coming with us or not?" I asked.

She looked between Mini and me. "Eh, what's the harm in skipping a day.

We walked through Greg to appear in Brynne's private school. "Holy moly," Mini said. It was neat and orderly which was not what any of them were used to in a school. 

Roads And Maps - Aru ShahWhere stories live. Discover now