8 : Pieces of my heart

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Xiao Zhan's POV
Life betrays me every time. Even when I was not born, my father never beside of my mommy she is very beautiful and charming lady. I love her very much. We not very rich but happy family. My grandfather and grandmother took care of me and my mommy goes to work. We live in Korea. But one day I saw my grandmother and mother crying very much. After that day I never saw my grandfather again. My grandmother get depressed day by day. One day when I was hungry my grandmother try to cook for me and our house catch the Fire. We are very frightened and that day. some people took my grandmother away. My mother cried very hard but he never stop them. I also cried very much. My life suddenly changed after that. Mommy give me to carman mother. she is very kind person. She loves me but the all family member and even servants also hate me. I don't know why. I try very hard to get attention of Mr wang but he hates me.

when I realise my mother is Suffering hard. I decided to be separate from Wang family. I went to the hostel and studied hard to become a part of Wang. My mother and my mummy should proud of me. Mr Wang notice me. The all people of wang family pamper and care for me.

At the age of 15 I start my business it is very small business but me and my friend xuan and jiyang work very hard after that at the age of 22 I am become a successful Businessman. When I heard Xiao industry is in difficulties I conquer them I try to to back it's position. Xiao and Sean industry become in Race again. I am not surprised when Mr Wang meet me. I am very happy the day became finally. Mr Wang noticed me. I am really very happy after that mother invited me for dinner and give a proposal me to marry ziyi.

When I reach Wang mention my emotions are carried out. I worked very hard since last 15 years for this day. Wang family notice me I will become a part of this family. finally the day came. I am floating in my emotions when the door swang opened and i saw the person. That time i am confused yibo with ziyi. I thought ziyi welcomed me. He is indeed beautiful. In fact most beautiful man on earth. As was almost approached him but suddenly he introduced himself to me. I chuckled. I pray' May ziyi also beautiful like him. '

Our dinner finally end with the grand news that our marriage will held in next week. I know this is a sudden decision but all family is very happy so i nodded for it. But i think ziyi is not ready for take this responsibility.

At our wedding night I was waiting for ziyi. I know she was looking very beautiful in wedding gown. But i think the theme was 'light up life' the venue is decorated by lights allover. I sow love of my life ziyi is coming with her father. She looks like a glass doll fully cover with gown head cover with vail,

 She looks like a glass doll fully cover with gown head cover with vail,

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and hand carved with wedding glows.

and hand carved with wedding glows

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Here is my glass doll. i imagine her when we select gown.

She is looking like someone touch her and she break into pieces

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She is looking like someone touch her and she break into pieces. But she will be mine and i will protect her. I give all my life, my love, care and attention to her. From this moment i will live for her.

At our ring ceremony ziyi take time for every move.she is shaking like a leaf. I think she is nervous. But i will never force her. I will give time to our relationship. All i want to say ziyi but i just cloud utter "relax". Ziyi looked at me and i feel it she relaxed. She gave her hand in my hand and she trembles again. I softly pick hand try to relax her and finally insert ring in her finger. She proceeds the same. We took our wows silently. When she says " I do" Her voice crack again. I want to relax her,don't bother, you can take your time to accept me. As our wows complete suddenly cracked fireworks in sky.

I looked at my wife

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I looked at my wife. I never kiss her without her permission but surprisingly i fill soft plum lips touched my lips and brush again. This is the most happiest moment of my life. I held her and response the kiss i give a passionate kiss back. All people are busy to seeing fireworks. So I took chance.
After that we went to change our cloths and again i got chance to talk to her. I want to confess my feelings. When i confess she again give me a passionate kiss. Warm felling is in my heart now. I think i am addicted of that. Those lips, touch me again i put my hands on her fine thin waist. She encircled her hand on my neck we hug each other. I discover her lips again and again. I bite her lower lip to get permission. She open mouth and i again lost in her cavity. This is my first person who i kissed. I think i found my soulmate. My heart pounds very fast. I think same for her to. We stayed like that for a while. Then run toward changing rooms. When i am remove my coat i found my shirt is little bit wet. ' Is she cried? I lost in my thoughts. I will ask her after reception.' I thought. And went back to venue. I see ziyi again but she is little bit worried. I didn't know why but i fill devastated.
After reception we directly goes for honeymoon. Our wedding night goes as usual but i fill something is missing. Ziyi is a little bit shy girl she never talk to much. When we return from honeymoon i was busy agin in my work ziyi never complaints about that. After a month i found that ziyi is pregnant but she never exposed her felling she is a calm person. She is always busy to take care of me and my house. I fill weird that after honeymoon we never have time to spend with each other. But couse of pregnency doctor give advice to rest for ziyi. I respect my soulmate so i decided to wait for ziyi.

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