Chapter 14

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I panicked. Everything was shifting and changing, for some weird reason I kept thinking about Alice in Wonderland. Anyways I was falling and screaming, and I had know idea what the heck was going on. All I know was that I was going to kill Mia.

I fell in the floor, my butt is hurting, and I feel like I sprained my ankle. I immediately checks my body, oh and guess what, my ankle looked no-where-near in the same place it was before. It's all black and purple, so my ankle is fully broken!!! I tried to get up but I can't!!

I'm so killing Mia. I hate her!!


That's all I was hearing, and out of nowhere Aisha just fell on top of me!yup you heard me right, she. Fell. On. Top. Of. Me!!! I couldn't even get out the way.

After she regained consciousness, she started freaking out again, and then realized it was me, all of a sudden she started to hug me. We hugged it out.

She got up, and I'm just wondering how in the world did she not break anything. And then I realized, she fell on me. I tried to get up, but my ankle was hurting too much. I guess Aisha saw the struggle I was going through, the next thing I know, she created a splint, and tied up my ankle.

She helped me up, I was wobbling a lot. After all, I did see my life flash before my eyes. And I'm in so much pain. Now let me explain something here, when I'm in pain, I tend to be a little over dramatic, and maybe talk waaaayyyy more than normal.

Anyways, I started to wobble my way over to the side of the room and Aisha started laughing at me. I glanced at here with a questioning look.

"Why are you laughing?? Do you realize that I almost died, and so did you?"

"Hahahahaha, I'm... Sorry...hahahaha- you just look like penguin from Batman!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

"Wow Aisha! Hahahaha!!"

We both started laughing uncontrollably right about now. After we kind of regained the ability to control our laughter,

"Aisha now is not the right time to be funny, we need to get out of here." I said.

"Yea, but you have to admit, that was pretty funny!" She laughs.

"Yes, I will admit that it is funny, but we can't let our guards down, look Aisha. Mia is really evil, she wants to kill the both of us, and I don't know about you, but I know that I don't want to die right about now."

"Yea, I know it's just that....I have to tell you something." Aisha said.

I gave her a weird look,

"Okay...then tell me."

"I might know the real reason why Mia wants to kill us both." Aisha said cautiously.

"Well........" I trailed.

"I don't know if you remember this, but I remember there was one time that you and I had an argument, and it was about something stupid. But Mia was there, and she got mad at the both of us, because she didn't want us to fight. Well I remember that we refused to play with her until, one of us apologized to the other. But Mia was seriously furious that day. Anyways this argument lasted for a couple of days. The three of us stopped playing, and I think that because of those couple of days, and with Mia's condition she grew hatred towards us. Especially since she tried to make us friends again."

"Aisha that doesn't make sense though, I remember that fight very well, but we all played together again after that." I said.

"Well, I don't know, but we must have done something horrible to her, in order for her to turn on us like this."

"Your right, I just--"

The room shifted, again we plunged into darkness, Aisha grabbed onto my hand. At least I now she is with me, there's something on my leg, something is grabbing me, clawing me, it stings!!

"Agghhhhhh!!! Aisha, it hurts!! It's hurting me!!!!!!"

"what are you talking about!! I'm not grabbing you!! Shut up or else something might happen!!!" She yelled.

The room went bright again. I looked down at my legs, it's was bleeding!! There were claw marks, and I couldn't feel my legs anymore. I fell, my body was starting to go numb.

"Niami!!!! Are you okay?? What's wrong??" Aisha yelled.

"It''s my legs. It hurts. Help me....ughhhhh!!! It stings!!!!" I shouted.

Aisha got up, tore of a piece of her shirt, and wraps my legs.

"Niami we need to get out of here. You need a hospital, and we might die."

"I know Aisha, but we have to continue, how else are we gonna get out?" I said.

We were just quiet, I don't know what we are gonna do, my legs are in so much pain, and I'm pretty sure Aisha is hurt, she keeps holding her side.

A loud screech crane from the microphone. Mia came out clapping.

"Well well, great job with the play! Now get your butt up and start trying to escape. We all know you aren't hurt!" Mia said with a scowl.

Aisha and I just started at her, I tried to get up, but it took me a while. I finally stood up..with Aisha's help..anyways, I clenched my fists and teeth. I was ready to take her down. Even if I was hurt.

"Oh sweetie, you should now better by now! Never, ever threaten me!! I guess you want more pain. Oh and did you forget the most important thing you ever told me?"

Aisha and I looked confused at her.

"Ooooo!!! You forgot! Well now this will be the most definite surprise!!" Mia said.

"What in the world are you talking about??" I screamed.

The lights went out, and the worst thing that could possibly happen, did happen.

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