Chapter 20

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My ears went numb. My heart felt like it was about to burst. My head was killing me. My ankle was throbbing. My body shook violently. I was in pain. I was screaming, but something was pouring out.

I continued screaming, my throat was killing me, I felt something graze down my cheeks. My ears had busted. I couldn't hear anything.

But I continued to scream. My eyes were shut, but I kept opening my eyes, I didn't want to see what was happening, but I couldn't keep my eyes closed.

Everything was blurry. There was black smoke everywhere I looked. Screams still kept pouring out of me. The more I screamed the more darker it would get.

I soon stopped, my body was useless, I was just pinned against the wall, dangling. My hearing slowly started coming back, I heard someone chanting. I couldn't make out who it was.

The smoke swirled inside the room, it created a figure. A body. It-it looked...l-like me?

I tried squint to see clearer, but it soon walked towards me. I held my breath. It's face was grotesque. I couldn't make anything out of it.

It walked towards me, and stopped once it's face was mere inches away from mine. I let out a small breath, but I made sure to not movements.

It grabbed my throat! It started choking me!!

"Ghu-he-help!" I cried.

I couldn't do anything, it's grip tightened. I started to thrash, I tried to call out. Nothing happened. I was beginning to pass out.

All of a sudden I saw Maya pop out of nowhere and throw something on it. It looked like rice? Why was she throwing rice at it?

It began shrieking, and loosened it's grip on me, I let in a huge breath of air. The chains loosened around me and I fell to the ground. I tried to move but everything I did led to more pain.

I heard more chanting. The figure was screaming, I saw it try to run, but I saw Maya kept throwing the rice on it. Why is it rice? Is it rice? Why would it be rice? Why am I thinking of this?

I looked at my legs, there was blood everywhere. My arms were cut, my stomach had a nasty gash, and I still felt blood trickling down my cheeks. My vision was starting to blur again.

My eyes slowly started to close. I don't remember what happened next, all I know is someone dragged me.

I heard muffled noises, but I soon started hearing everything. I was still passed out but I could hear what was going on.

"Everything will be ok." I heard Aisha say over and over again.

I felt something cold against my head, it was water, she was cleaning the blood off of me. She has stopped rubbing the cloth on my face, and started washing my arm, then my leg. Then she stopped for a couple minutes.

"Niami...this is gonna hurt." I heard Aisha warn.

Wh-what? No. Wait. Not the alcohol!! My cuts started stinging, I knew that this was suppose to help with healing the wounds, but it hurts like HELL!

"Shhh...relax...I know it hurts...I'm sorry...but I have to help you." Aisha said.

I soon relaxed. She had stopped cleaning the wounds and started bandaging the cuts. She had stopped again for a couple of minutes.

"Now...this is definitely gonna hurt, but I'll give you something to ease the pain afterwards, please try not to move, I know you can hear me. Just please, don't move, this will be a lot of pain." I heard her say.

I took a deep breath.

"Uh, you're gonna want to hold that breath." Aisha said.

Wh-"AGGHHHHHH!" I screamed. I started screaming

She was giving me stitches!! Oh my god this flippin hurts!!

"I'm almost done! I know, I know it hurts, just try not to move!" Aisha said.

With each needle point passing through the skin it just hurt more! I arched my back, but I felt Aisha shoved me back down.

"DON'T MOVE!" Aisha said sternly.


My eyes shot open. I saw a softly lit grey room. How long more do I have of this??

"Ok one more!...DONE!" Aisha stopped.

I let out my breath. It still hurt but not as bad from when she was stitching.

"Here." Aisha said while shoving a pill in my mouth.

She handed me a bottle if water, I chugged it. I chugged the whole bottle of water in five seconds. it was wonderful! I hadn't drank water since, well...I actually don't remember how long it has been. I think, from before Aisha and I came here.

I sat up, and I hugged Aisha, and she hugged me back. All of a sudden, Maya busted in through the doors.

"Before you start attacking me Niami!!...let me explain what is going on." Maya said.

I nodded my head.

"Now I don't have much time, actually I have ten minutes before that demon pops back up! So listen and don't ask questions!!" Maya shouted.

I nodded.

"Ok, so when we were little, right after you to me about your mental state, I told Aisha. We both were searching for cures and things that could help you. We had tried everything, but nothing really worked. So we researched more, and found that in rare cases, people who are possessed, can 'erase' the instability of the mental illness, so pretty much it was a cure. We found out how to 'possess' you, but before we could do it, you were already possessed. We didn't do anything, it just came." Maya paused for a breath of air.

"You were going crazy, you wouldn't hang out with us, you wouldn't eat, you would play, you wouldn't even talk to anyone. You were failing classes, and you got me expelled from school, by planting drugs in my locker, accusing me of 'joining' a gang. By the way I am still upset about that." She paused, slapped me and then continued.

"Anyways, Aisha and myself have been looking up ways to cure you, but everything we tried, you would blame me and tell everyone that I was trying to kill you and your family. Aisha and myself have run out of options and the only thing we have left is to fight that demon together." Maya finished.

I was shocked. The whole time I'm thinking and I really thought, Maya was trying to kill me.

"I-I'm sorry..." I said.

I hugged Maya.

"I'm so sorry!" I cried.

Maya hugged me back, about a couple seconds later Aisha hugged also.

I finally have my friends back, but it was all my fault and now I have a demon to fight.

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