Chapter 17

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I sat there next to Mya, in silence, not saying a word. Heck I don't even know if I was breathing. I notice Mya moving her hands constantly, and that she would occasionally rub her leg. I eyed her for a couple of minutes.

"M-Mya?" I said.

She looked up at me.

"When...when did I tell you about...about problem?" I asked.

"I don't really remember when but I know you told me while we were eating lunch and having a play date after your doctors appointment." Mya said.

"Oh." I said.

I just sat there, I wanted to cry for some reason, but I was terrified and angry at the same time. I didn't know what to do.

"Look, Niami. I know that we aren't back on being friends again. But, we have to get out of here and go find Aisha!" Mya said.

I nodded.

I began to sit up, and I eventually stood up. How were we suppose to find Aisha? I heard her dragged but, I can't see anything.

"I can smell her." Mya said.

"What the heck does that mean???" I jumped.

"Shhhhh don't be so loud!" She said.

"Not until you tell me more about what...what...about whatever happened to you!" I shouted.

"Fine! A couple years before I was...'replaced' with the other Mya I was possessed. I know! I know it sounds crazy but its true! The demon began to...let's say...split up my personality. It began taking my hatred and all the things I thought of as negative and using it against other people. That is why i stopped going to school. But that demon gave me extremely heightened senses and I was stronger. But I could control things." Mya said.

"If-and I'm saying, if this is true! Why didn't you tell me or Aisha anything?" I asked.

"I couldn't. It wouldn't let me." she said.

Mya got up and started walking.

"Where are you going?" I asked her.

"Look if you wanna find Aisha, get up and stop complaining." Mya said.

Her face just turned cold, she got grumpy again. I grumbled but I got up.

"Her scent's that way." She said.

She pointed to the left of us. So I started walking. I don't know how long we had walked, but it seemed like forever. All of a sudden Mya just stopped.

I was confused.

"Mya? Is everything ok? What's wrong?" I asked.

She just stared at me.

"Mya?" I asked again.

Again she just stared at me.

"Mya!! What's wrong??" I shouted.

Her face turned cold again. She had no emotion. She was just staring. All of a sudden she furrowed her eyebrows, and she started screaming. She got angry, I don't know why but...she was just...angry and...upset.

"STOP!!! GET OUT OF ME!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Mya screamed.

She stopped.

"Hello Niami. Aren't you glad to see me?" She snickered.

"Wh-what??" I said.

I ran, I just ran. No. I'm just imagining this right? She can't be "possessed". She's lying. She has to be! Right?

Im so confused!! What am I suppose to do? I just want to find Aisha and just go back home!!

"Niamiiiii! Awwww...Didn't you miss me??" Mya said.

I ran faster.

"Oh Niami! Don't be that way!" Mya said.

"NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" I screamed.

I ran, I couldn't see anything, yet I still ran. Slowly the room started shifting again. I stopped running. I stood still. The floor board underneath me broke and I fell on the floor under.

"Niami?" I heard someone whisper.

I didn't say anything. Someone kept whispering my name, over and over again.

"STOP MYA!! Please...please I'm begging you!" I cried.

I felt someone touch my shoulder. I looked up and my mom, dad, and Aisha were standing there with sorrow on their face.

I stopped crying. I stood there in shock.

"Honey? You've been bad lately. You know better than to run away!" My mother said.

"Wh-what??" I said confused.

"Sweetie. You failed us. I knew you would never make it. I knew it since you were younger." My dad said.

My eyes filled with tears.

"Wh-what's...why...why are you saying that?" I said with tears.

"Ha haha ha ha! Look at you Niami! Your nothing but trash, always acting like you're the innocent one! You are nothing to me! You always left me alone, you left me for...that pathetic trash, Mya. I always hated you!" Aisha said.

I cried even more.

"Stop! I'm...I didn't do anything!" I cried.

"You're nothing!"

"Stupid girl!"

"I'm so disappointed in you sweetie."

"You could've been someone better."

All I could hear were negative sayings whispered in the room. Sometimes the sayings would get louder, and unbearable. I don't remember how long I was stuck there crying. But the whispering stopped.

I looked around. I saw my parents and Aisha staring at me, pointing, laughing. But all sounds had stopped. They had closed their mouths, all of a sudden they opened their mouths in a 'gasp-like way' and screamed.

I started sobbing again. I pressed my hands against my ears, to see if the noise would ease, but it didn't. It grew louder and louder, all of a sudden it stopped.

It sounded something like a pop. I felt something trickle down my hand. I looked at my hands, and they were covered with blood! My ears were "burning" and they were "popping" like crazy. With each pop, the pain would worsen.

"Niamiiiiiii. If you wanna get out you must behave and listen to me!" I heard Mya say.

I continued sobbing,

"Please! Please...please stop! Stop! Just give me my family!" I cried.

Mya stepped out in front of me.

"Hmm. As intriguing as it sounds, you are currently in one of my best rooms! If you haven't learned yet, it's the room of your deepest fears. I think I'm going to keep you here a little longer!" Mya 'innocently' laughed.

I snarled at her.

"Oh whatcha gonna do 'bout it Niami?" Mya said tauntingly.

I just sat there crying. I couldn't do anything! I just cried.

"Buh bye now! I love torturing you! Oh and don't worry, Aisha is also being tortured. But that's another story!" Mys walked off laughing.

She closed the door, leaving me alone in darkness. Out of nowhere a bright light opens in front of me, I stood up and ran toward the light. But I should've known that would be a mistake.

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