Chapter 2

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With weeks passing by, Hisoka had to tighten his control and security over the entire city he now runs because his impulsive friend Grimmjow got poisoned.

Sitting with the remaining of his gang, Hisoka mindlessly scrolled through his phone as they waited for the toxicology report. Although being at the top was what he always strived for, it all came with unnecessary responsibilities. Since the city was always constantly under siege from other warlords because of his illegal doings, he had to put a stop to all attacks. No law enforcement. Him. Ever since law enforcement got facial recognitions of all six men 4 years ago, they naturally tried to take them down like law abiding citizens. Obviously failing miserably. It was futile to mess in Hisoka's realm, hence they gave up and let a murderous man take over the area.

Despite being a shady guy, the city seemed to have chosen him to freely rule the city. Of course there were people that hated the fact that their entire city was ruled by the mafia, but with Hisoka, safety was everywhere. Everyone was too scared to be executed by his men to commit any crime in the city.

No one comes in his city without the Joker's knowledge either. Although they all assumed Hisoka offered them a safer and better city, it was all far from the truth. Hisoka only cared about himself and his friends. The only reason why the red haired has such tight security is to ensure no one that poses a threat to his empire snuck in the city.

However, now that everyone sees Hisoka as their leader, he has to deal with everyone's silly problems. Problems like poisoning. Grimmjow was either poisoned specifically or something in the city is contaminated. According to the doctor in charge, Grimmjow is not the first person to be displaying symptoms of nausea, fever, coughing of blood, fatigue and partial tissue damage to the lungs. The only conclusions were that a certain food group was poisoned or their water source. He will have his men deal with finding out the source and solution.

''How bothersome.'' Hisoka tiredly mumbled while letting out a deep sigh.

He wasn't entirely worried about the issue or Grimmjow. Hisoka knew Grimmjow would recover swiftly and that the issue wasn't anything too insane he couldn't handle. But if he could, he would prefer not to deal with anything.

''Ya'll heard about the high school reunion happening this weekend?" Hidan casually blurted out aloud to the others. It was as clear as day light that no one was worried about Grimmjow or the situation - depicting how prone they all are to problems fixing itself.

Peeling his eyes off the hospital magazine, Sebastian replied, ''Why would we want to attend something so menial? Besides everyone there would either distance themselves from us out of fear or suck up to us now that they know who we are.'' All said with such superiority.

Rolling his eyes, ''Don't act like we have nothing better to do! We barely do anything with our lives now that we have people working for us.'' Hidan beamed back in response.

''It would be nice to go just to see what has become of people so we can judge and make fun out of them.'' Illumi casually stated. Oh, how their power and wealth made them so shallow and mean.

Smugly smiling, Sebastian went back to reading his magazine before replying, ''Don't be so terrible Illumi. It is not polite to show off.''

''Not that I care, but at this point it's not showing off. Our presence and name speaks for itself. Although I do miss the old days when we were unknown.'' Uta joined the conversation.

''Oh Satan, why does it seem we have aged 50 years! We are only in our late twenties. That's it! We are going back to high school!'' Hidan yelled somewhat frustrated.

''It's called maturing Hidan.'' Sebastien deadpanned.

'' 'Xcuse me, may you please guide me to the 9th floor?" A polite childish voice asked The Joker that was far too disengaged with all voices because of the mindless phone scrolling.

Each Other's End Game 2 (Hisoka x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now