Chapter 74

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Y/n: Hey. Just wanted to tell you I'm going to fall asleep soon. Maleeka is already asleep in front of me. She's a bit irritated about the earlier arrangements, but she did tell me to tell you 'Goodnight daddy.'
Anyways, I understand you might not be able to reply or you merely just don't want to respond, but I just wanted to tell you goodnight Hisoka❤️ I miss you.. I hope you safe and okay. Please remember that if you are going through something, talk to me. We can come up with a solution together🌻

Slowly narrowing his eyes shut, Hisoka released a heavy burdened sigh. He could practically hear your voice when reading that message. That kind and supportive voice. Should he speak to you about this issue?

'No.. It's better if you don't know.' Hisoka mentally responded to you.

If he told you about this situation, you would convince him that his wealth didn't mean anything to You. And if he lost it all, alongside his position and status in the mafia world, that too wouldn't matter to you. After all, you only ever did care about his substance. You were the type of girl that would sit next to him on a bus because he couldn't afford to buy a car. You truly were his ride and die.

But that didn't mean he wanted his expanding family to subject to that.
He knew that your surgery payouts will allow everyone to live comfortably. But he didn't want you too work because he could see how draining it is on you. You only ever worked to provide the best for Maleeka. It felt like it was his responsibility to take care of you and his two children now. However, was that the real reason?

Was the true reasoning behind this was him being typically selfish and greedy for wealth and status? Would he rather keep that and lose you?

He understood you endured so much, especially when it came to him. But the path he is probably going to take would mean you going through so much more.

'She will understand. She will be okay with it. She can handle it..' Hisoka kept repeating like a Buddhist mantra. That's how he seemed to justify everything nowdays. The fact that believed to your core that you could handle everything and anything.

Nothing was ever too painful or dangerous for you. You overcame everything life threw at you and came out victorious.

And he knew...
The Joker knew you would still come back to him even after all the pain. There was no pain great enough to surpass the love you had for him. So he knew he could do whatever he wanted because he would never truly lose you for good.

"That's right.. You can handle it isn't Y/n?" He whispered, staring distantly at the ceiling.

"You'll be okay.. You always have to be okay for Maleeka, that's what keeps you smiling through the pain. So as long as you have her, you will be okay Y/n."

Although his mouth uttered those words, his head and heart told him something else. Hisoka played a brief conversation he had with Sabastein a few hours ago. Similar to what you said.

'Hisoka, just tell Y/n what is going on. The two of you are together isn't? If you don't want to give up everything, then talk about this matter with her. She's going to be your wife in a few days, shunning her out isn't going to help. Things are finally going as wanted between you and her. Don't ruin it now. It's not worth it. You were so miserable for seven years without her. Clearly you know what and who is more important to you."


Peeling his eyes off the ceiling, Hisoka saw his phone light up. It was you again.

Checking the time, Hisoka hadn't realised he was so deeply engrossed by his thoughts. At least three hours have expired since your last message.

Y/n: "Got up because I'm suddenly craving for jerkins🙈🤷🏼‍♀️ Lucky the garage is open 24/7. I'm going to take a quick walk across there. I hope you're okay❤️I'll message you when I get back, just incase you don't think I got murdered or kidnapped along the way😅" It read.

In hopeful anticipation, you noticed that the three dots appeared and started to wave - meaning Hisoka was finally going to reply to you!
But to your heartache, the message never came through.

It was never sent. But it was still there.

"Don't walk out this late. I'll come too you. Just wait." Is what you were going to read if he sent it. He literally told you less than 24 hours ago that he would get your cravings.

You'd think after talking to each other about how unspoken words made you and him grow apart in the past at your deathbed would change things. But it never did.

Hisoka felt too guilty to talk to you. And as usual, when it came to you, he never thought rationally. All his brain cells would seem to vanish into thin air whenever anything involved you. It was always this back and forth bullshit.

And with that ex mafia family dwelling in his residence for the night, he felt limited and wary to leave right now and come to you.

Sitting upright on his bed, Hisoka impatiently waited for your next message. Needing to know you reached back safe. It wasn't just about you potentially being kidnapped or murdered because everyone knew you were associated intimately with Hisoka. It was the fact that you were pretty and a female walking out in the middle of the night in summer PJ's.

Only the lawless lurked the streets after midnight. Indeed you were tough and a totally violent person that can defend herself, but you were still sick and pregnant.

After 15 long minutes of waiting, he saw your name appear with an image attachment.

You couldn't help but smile that Hisoka read your message within seconds.
And Hisoka, he couldn't help but smile when he saw what you sent and said.
Y/n: Okay, so I know I said I'm only going to get pickles, but I started craving for these!

Y/n: Okay, so I know I said I'm only going to get pickles, but I started craving for these!

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"Anyways. Let me not message you so much and annoy you. I'm going to go ahead and eat everything. I'm sure you have things to tend too🥰 Have a goodnight Hisoka❤️"

Oh, this really drowned him in guilt and pain tugging at his new found heart strings. Hisoka really wanted to be the one that got you your cravings.. Just like he said he would.

But, at least by you constantly communicating with him, it made him feel somewhat involved.

Laying back down as he strenuously sighed, Hisoka's world came an immediate halt when he read the last message you sent him after a few random minutes.

He didn't know whether he wanted to hear this right now because it made him feel even more guilty, or it was exactly what he needed. A reminder. A reminder that the choice was easy. That there was no amount of money or title he could obtain that would give him this internal peace and happiness. How easily you could tame the violent and soaring waves colliding within him.

Especially after making Akira inform you that you had to leave. Worried you would hate him again. This message was exactly the assurance he needed.

However, even though it was a text, Hisoka could sense your nervousness. Nerves created by not knowing what was happening currently in his life. Words that clung onto the idea he was still yours. Nothing could get passed a woman and their instinct.

Y/n: I Love you Hisoka..

Each Other's End Game 2 (Hisoka x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now