Chapter 80

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A voice that made your heart drop, called out to you - instantly making your body relax because you knew it was over.

"Y-You made it.."

Tucking the gun back in his pants, Hisoka crouched down and cupped your face. Making you gradually stand back up straight with him. Stabbed leg or not, being on the ground was a vulnerable position to be in.

"I'm right here." He gently spoke.

He noticed trails of blood, mixed with tears, stream down your delicate face. Figured that something happened to your eyes if they still weren't open even though he was directly in front of you.

"What's wrong with your eyes?"

Sniffling, you attempted to control your breathing that fluctuated because of your panicked crying. "T-There's glass in them." You tearfully whispered.

Sliding his cupped hands higher up your face, "Can you try and open them for me?" He once again spoke ever so gently to you.

Aggressively shaking your head, "N-No I don't want too. It hurts too much Hisoka." He saw more tears and blood trail down your cheeks.

"I know it hurts Y/n. But I need to see whether it's stuck in your eyes or just floating around."

Shaking your head again. "No.."

"10 seconds is all I need. You can do it. You are strong Y/n." He encouraged while affectionately rubbing the skin just below your eyes with his thumbs.

Exhaling and inhaling deeply, you clutched onto Hisoka's shirt for support as you slowly attempted to open your eyes. With several narrowed eye flutters, you were about to close your eyes again, but Hisoka delicately forced your eyes open by pulling your eyes lids up.

Even though the handsome love of your life was right in front of you whom always had the ability to relax you and ease your pain. It just didn't work this time.

Only 2 seconds in, you jerked your head away to make Hisoka lose his grip on you and quickly snapped your eyes back shut - burying your face against Hisoka's chest.

"I c-can't! I hurts too much Hisoka." He heard your pained voice cry onto him.

Hisoka knew how high your pain tolerance was. And he knew how damn strong you are. So if you were crying, clutching onto him and yelling it hurts, he couldn't grasp the depth of how unbearable the pain was right now. He too, never had glass tearing all across his eyeballs.

With a strained frown, Hisoka held the back of your head and pushed you deeper against him. "It's okay Y/n. I won't make you do anything right now. We will see too it later. Where else are you hurt?" He understandably spoke as he gingerly stroked your hair for comfort.

"My t-thigh. It's been stabbed twice. And shot. My shoulder. It was dislocated earlier. I'm not s-sure if it's fractured." You meekly answered. 

"The b-baby. He's okay. I made sure no one t-touched my stomach."

Silently sighing in relief, Hisoka rested his chin over your head and lightly gripped your hair from joy.

Each Other's End Game 2 (Hisoka x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now