Chapter 30

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Battering your eyelids open several times, the blur finally cleared up. Instantly you were greeted by tiny windows that had nothing but pitch blackness on the other side of the window. Indicating night has come.

Removing the blanket, you felt immediately flushed upon seeing your dress and bra resting by your waist - practically leaving you half naked. Recalling previous events, Hisoka was kind enough to massage your aching body. And boy did it feel so blissful.

Checking no one was around. You stood up and got dressed again.

After stretching out the sleepiness. You exited the room, only to find no one there. Walking up a mini flight of stairs quietly, you saw Hisoka laying down with his knees lazily propped up - busy with his phone. While Maleeka was comfortably laying over him horizontally, colouring in something in a book.

Seeing the relaxation and comfort created between the two of them, you decided to not interrupt the moment. Hence, walking silently back down the stairs.

"Can I interest you in anything to drink or eat miss?" A waiter asked.

"Uh.. Just a light soup and water please." You replied.

After she left, you couldn't help but admire the mini restaurant Hisoka had in his plane. Every single thing he owned truly emitted power, wealth and class. But there was one constant sensation found behind every expensive detail.

The element of loneliness.

Obviously you had no memories to compare, but right now it felt like the loneliest you have ever felt. Something that this wealth couldn't fix. Instead it made it worse. Everything was beautiful, but it felt cold and loveless.

Losing track of thoughts and time by the engulfment of loneliness, for some reason your world brightened when you saw Hisoka walk over to the condiments section.

But a stabbing sensation niggled at you when you realised he didn't bother greeting you or acknowledge your existence.

Thinking maybe he might have truly not seen you, you called out to him.

Slowly averting his eyes over to you, he effortlessly walked over to you. Not taking a seat by you, just standing there almost as if he was waiting for you to say what you needed to so he  could leave.

"I just wanted to thank you for that massage. It really helped. I'm feeling like my usual self." You sincerely thanked. Giving him the warmest of smiles. However that wasn't accommodated.

"Okay. Is that all?" He curtly asked. Resulting in your smile vanishing instantly and your chest tightening to a point it pained like a bitch.

"O-oh..Yes that's all." You timidly replied, drooping your head down in  a bit of embarrassment and traces of hurt.

You were positive that Hisoka was far more sociable and hospitable before. For goodness sakes, he even broke the lock just to talk to you in the bathroom. He was someone that always initiated conversation. Or in general, seemed eager to talk to you. Right now. It was the exact opposite.

It stung feeling like a burden.

After your reply, "Very well then." He stated, analysing you subtly once more before leaving. It seemed you didn't remember your dream after all. He knew the second you did, that hatred and anger you have for him would return.

Each Other's End Game 2 (Hisoka x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now