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After having her out of the chapel. Hisoka bent down and pick up your wedding dress. Luckily, nothing tore. Nearing you again, Hisoka knelt down in front of you with the wedding dress widened enough - hinting that he wanted you to put it back on. Silently obeying, you stepped in the middle of the dress and allowed Hisoka to pull the dress up before taking off his blazer as he helped you get your arms through the sleeves.

"You okay?" He lowly asked, staring searchingly in your eyes. His gaze definitely oozed off a tired man. Tired and concerned about your wellbeing. The mentally drained persona was really starting to show on his handsome face.

Handing his blazer back to him, "Yes, I'm okay Hisoka. Just a bit annoyed. But I'll try my best to not let that girl ruin the best day of my life." You tried to sound optimistic by giving him a half hearted smile.

Slipping his blazer back on, he returned your small smile with a partial smirk. "Our new lives will start soon...After I give my speech, I want you to go and rest Y/n. Don't think you are obligated to mingle with anyone here."

"But - "
"Please Y/n? Your womb needs bed rest...The doctor said you can't be on your feet for too long." Hisoka lowly muttered to you. You could hear the strain in his voice. It felt odd, but nonetheless comforting to know that Hisoka really did not want you to miscarry.

Not wanting to stress Hisoka out or ruin his day more than that woman probably did, you silently nodded in agreement.

Although he didn't say anything, you could see his eyes soften in appreciation to your cooperation before he turned around to face the audience.

"Today isn't only important because it is my wedding. There is one more piece of news I need to share with everyone today." Hisoka calmly stated. Leaving everyone in anticipation.

"As of today, I am officially stepping down, and leaving the mafia for good." He finally dropped the penny, causing everyone to go into a shocked uproar. No one steps down as young and successful as Hisoka. This was definitely a rare phenomenon.

Ignoring the chatter and whispers going around, "I'll be announcing who will be taking over from now on." Hisoka continued.

On cue, Hisoka's crew all walked to stand in line next to you and Hisoka supportively.
Hisoka knew no one deserved an explanation for his decisions. But he was going to tell everyone as a declaration to you. No more hiding you. No more denying you and his feelings towards you. Everything will be out in the open too prove himself to you one last time.

"Y/n is pregnant with my second child. And although both her and I are strong enough to live through this underworld lifestyle. I have decided not to put her or my family in harms way anymore. Not only did this lifestyle put her and my daughter in danger constantly, but it takes away my time from them. And quite frankly, I have grown bored and tired of this lifestyle. I want to live in peace with my wife and family. Without worry, distractions or pain. So as of today, I am handing my title to my direct cousin and silent partner. Sukuna Morow."

After Hisoka let the cat out the bag, he looked over to Sebastian while Sukuna took over to speak a bit. Those golden eyes held appreciation and a tad bit of disappointment. Personally, Hisoka wanted Sebastian to take over. However, after conversing with him yesterday. Sebastian made it clear that he prefers being a right hand man to someone. Leadership isn't a role he would take. And his loyalty to Hisoka would never allow him to take his spot as mafia king. Even after stepping down, Sebastian will still be Hisoka's go to man. No title or circumstance will change that.

Smirking at Sebastian's smile, resurfacing his Joker demeanour, Hisoka slowly closed his eyes and listened to his cousin speak. Sebastian was merely honoured about being Hisoka's choice. That was enough for him.

Each Other's End Game 2 (Hisoka x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now