Chapter 50

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"Thank you for the food. Although it's the best hospital in town, their food still sucks." You whispered, taking in small bites of the creamiest mash potatoes and softest of chicken.

Warmly giggling, "It's my pleasure. It's good to see nothing has change about you in terms of appetite." Orihime sweetly mentioned.

"Girl. With all the stress I undergo, and being used to eating for two. Food is heaven on earth for me." You replied, taking in another bite.

"At least you still look amazing for a mother. I hope one day I'll still look as good as you after childbirth." Orihime kindly complemented with an exasperated sigh.

"Took me many years of gyming to shred the baby fat. Well most of it. Speaking of childbirth. Are you and Grimmjow planning on ever having kids, or that's not his cup of tea? I mean, you saw how Hisoka reacted to my pregnancy. Is it a gang rule to not have kids or something?" You causally asked. Rather enjoying Orihime's company and indulging in such a relaxing conversation instead of worrying about anything.

It felt good to talk to a female after to many years. A female your age. Not just Maleeka anymore. Still till this day, you never really had time to make any friends. It was always studying and taking care of Maleeka. After Med school, you immediately started working to support Maleeka. Your whole world revolved around your baby. Typical mother life huh?

Groaning thoughtfully, "Well..Kids isn't off the table. I guess, it just hasn't happened yet. I will speak to Grimmjow about going off the pill and trying. Only if he's ready though." She truthfully admitted.

Taking another bite, partially smiling, "I can picture Grimmjow being this obnoxiously overbearing yet lacksie-daisy father. Drinking beer on the couch slouched down while the baby sleeps on chest." You amusingly commented, causing Orihime to chuckle a bit more. Quietly though. None of you wanted to wake Hisoka that was sleeping soundly upright on the chair. Still loosely holding your left hand.

"Unfortunately I can picture that too. But after we got married I made sure Grimmjow cut down on all of that."

"Ahh, so is non-intoxicated sex better or worse?" You invasively pried.

Blushing instantly, "Y-Y/n.." She shyly trailed off.

Although Orihime was partially shy now, it was a big improvement of how she used to be in high school. Mentioning something like that to her probably would've made her turn beet red and pass out. The blush she had now was matured, and solely evoked because she was a private person.

"C'mon it's just us ladies. Besides, you and I aren't high school virgins anymore. Spill the tea." You pressed on like a big sister and best friend.

Glancing over at Hisoka to check if he was still asleep, "Well.." The ginger timidly trailed off. It was the first time she was ever going to speak about her sex life to anyone.

But the feeling was mutual. She too never had a female friend to speak too. She was always surrounded by the guys in the house.

"The s-sex was and still is always great. Grimmjow doesn't get drunk by alcohol. He's practically immune to it. It just m-makes him more, calmer actually. Without alcohol he's.." She timorously trailed off, trying her best to flush down her pink blush that was creeping down her neck.

"He's?" You encouraged, grinning mischievously.

"He's more, aggressively passionate when 'sober'." She finally confessed. Unawarely smirking at the thought of those moments.

"Oh snap! No wonder you don't want him drinking anymore." You teased.

"Shh!" Orihime hushed you, looking overly concernedly over at Hisoka on the other side of the bed.

Each Other's End Game 2 (Hisoka x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now