Chapter 26

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"Are we going to wait for her or continue?" The doctor questioned Hisoka.

"No, she's probably enjoying her bath. Let her be. Go ahead." Hisoka instructed.

"Okay. So the bloods does confirm that her heart and liver are failing. I'm going to prescribe her Antihypertensive and beta blockers for her heart, and acetylcysteine for her liver. All must be taken twice a day. Preferably when she wakes up after she eats, and just before she sleeps. Now for the worse news." He paused.

Remaining stilly quiet, Hisoka strongly held the doctor's eye contact. Not moving an inch on the couch.

"It seems that these few days that she has been off her medication, has really accelerated the tissue deterioration. So.." He nervously halted because he knew you were a great significance to Hisoka. Of course he would be nervous to deliver bad news to a mafia leader.

"So?" Hisoka pressed.

"If she doesn't get the transplant in two to three weeks, chances of her surviving are very low Mr Morow." He finally dropped the bombshell.

After hearing that, Sebastian switched off the TV and concentrated on Hisoka. Almost immediately he could tell Hisoka's stress levels sky rocketed.

"I'm glad you called me because had it been left long enough or forgotten about, her chances would've been slimmer. A bit late notice, but I'm satisfied we going to rectify this situation. I've already messaged our pharmacist, in an hour or so he will arrive with the medication. As for the transplants, now that I know her blood type, I can get right too it. As for the liver, I'll need more time. However 2 days max I'll give you my answer." He informed, trying to make Hisoka relax a bit.

"What do you mean the liver will be difficult?" He sternly asked.

"I-I mean, compared to other organs, livers are more of a rarity because to find a liver donor is difficult since a lot of people nowadays tend to drink a lot of alcohol, abuse substances or struggle with unhealthy eating and unhealthy weight, hence you know that damages the liver. And for Y/n's severity, she cannot have a bad liver."

"A-and what makes it more difficult is-" Before the doctor could finish his explanation, Hisoka had spoken.

"What of I donate a piece of my liver to her? I don't smoke, abuse substance and or drink anymore. She only needs a bit of healthy liver since the liver has the ability to regenerate itself over time." He stated with a sense of urgency to find a solution even though he tried to mask it with an indifferent tone.

"That's-s true but your blood type doesn't match hers. Yours is A positive. Her's is blood type AB negative. Getting a universal donor of O, is compatible with everyone, but for the rare blood types there's a 50 percentage chance that her body will reject the organ. So to be on the safe side, it'll be better if we find someone with her blood type, similar body anatomy, weight and height because that plays a factor with liver size."

"For now all you can do is make sure she takes her medication and be prepared for her growing ill. Vomiting. Tiredness. Weakness. Bad bodily pain. Internal bleeding which will appear as bruises. Yellowing of the eyes. Body tremors."

Words. Words. Words. That's all he could hear. He needed actions.

"Okay. Thank you for coming. I'll help you look for matches." Hisoka abruptly ended the conversation, getting up to head upstairs.

"Should I wait to inform Y/n?" He heard the doctor ask.

"No. I'll do it." He replied from the stairs, not turning around the slightest.

Although the bathroom door was closed and locked, Hisoka effortlessly broke the lock - both wanting to talk to you immediately and subconsciously afraid of why you were taking so long in the bath.

Each Other's End Game 2 (Hisoka x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now