Chapter 41

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Finally reaching the plane, Hisoka carried you to the plane's medical bay.

Undressing you, leaving you only in your panty and bra. Hisoka heavily sighed - not happy the slightest.

"This shouldn't be your normal appearance. All I see now when I look at your body is bruises, wounds, blood and internal haemorrhaging." He distastefully said to your unconscious self. Totally overwhelmed by what to do with you. Where does he even start to fix you?

Releasing another sigh, Hisoka sat down and took out his phone. Tapping his finger sternly against the arm rest as the phone rang.


"Tell me you found organ matches for her. She's running out of time." Hisoka lowly stated.

"I managed to find a heart for her however I need more time for the liver. At least a few more days, I'm trying H-" But before he could finish his sentence, Hisoka cut the call and tightly squeezed his temples. He wanted to only hear solutions. Not excuses and delays. Especially when it concerns you.

Uncharacteristically getting angry, Hisoka aggressively kicked the medical trolley over. Cussing lowly underneath his breath. He hated not having control over everything. And hated it even more when things didn't go as planned.

And right now, nothing went as planned since day 1 here.

"W-why so frustrated?" A weak voice filled up the cold blue infirmary.

Instantly getting up from the chair, Hisoka walked to your side. "Y/n.." He distantly whispered.

"...You are in bad condition and I don't know where to begin to help you." He brutally admitted, not even bothered to musk his shame.

Weakly smiling at him, "Get me on 10ml of morphine. A-and a vital IV drip. It'll help with my pain and boost my immune system. And acetylcysteine for my liver.. Does the plane have it?" You breathlessly stated.

With confused knitted eyebrows, Hisoka looked around until he found the vials and drips. "How do you-"

"I remember." You smoothly cut him off.

"I remember being a doctor and surgeon."

Looking at you partially shocked yet relieved, a small tunnel of light - which would be your survival opened up.

".. Acetylcysteine first. I need to purify my body from the toxins my liver is failing to do right now..Morphine drip and other hand the IV vit drip okay?" You solely spoke, clear as day you were struggling to stay up.

Remaining silent, Hisoka followed all your instructions. From what to do first. Which vein to find to insert the needle. To how many drops per second and minute to change the drip too.

".. Stop looking so stressed Hisoka. I'll be fine. I've worked with dying patients before.. This will sustain me." You tiredly whispered. Trying your best to assure the Joker.

But your choice of words increased his stress levels more than he thought he wasn't capable of feeling. 'Sustain.'

Sustain you for how long exactly.

"Confusion and more memory loss on top of the one I have now.. Those are one of the side effects of failing liver. S-so before I forget.." You struggled to speak.

"I wanted to say t-thank you for catching me.." You sweetly said.

Despite the unpleasant situation, Hisoka subtly smirked down at you. "Why did you go and act so reckless. I would of taken care of it." He replied.

"Well.. You seemed a bit limited in the passenger seat. Besides. You probably are the better driver between the two of us. I got caught up in the moment I guess.. I'm sorry."

Each Other's End Game 2 (Hisoka x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now